The Lost Day

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İn the november of 2017 the second, one day was stolen from the history of earth. Scientist were shocked and big government agents had no idea what was going on or how to explain it. A Lot of people thought it was a mistake whilst a lot of other people thought it had something to do with the prophecy that had been going around for years. Every religious person thought that it was the end of the world and when our teens looked it up on the web a million different stories or possibilities appeared and they believed the first one that popped up on their screen and everyone was shaken to the core. Except one girl named Natalie. She knew exactly what was going on and she was trying to understand how that could be. But I should take it from the top with Natalie's birth... actually a little more top. Natalies grandmother's birth... actually, let's take it from the creator herself.
When the Goddess first created the world trying to win an intergalactic science project or some shit, she wanted something amazing and truly mind blowing. so she created the thing that seems to be coming so easy and naturally to humans these days... and that thing was emotion. The goddess wanted every emotion to be unique in their own ways and she tried to make them last too, but they kept fading away, she was upset and demoralized and right that second she figured it out. she took one seed for every emotion and planted it in the magic lines inside every human (that she called DNA) to be passed on for generations and decided that when the emotions faded away new ones would be born...
So Natalie Miranzo being one of the first seeds there were was born in the year 2000 because that was how long it took for the emotion, Natalie's emotion, to fade away... and her emotion was called... happiness.
But even she,didn't know it yet.

I hope u like the first chapter of my story!!! This is the first thing I have ever written and thank uu!!! I upload one part each week Monday and maybe more throughout the week :)

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