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It was always so dark this time in the season , when they trees lost their fruit and the leaves began to fall.  The inner city of Naboo was always lit up and bursting with life but the smaller areas like the one you lived in were dimly lit or completely dark during your commute home from work. You loved this season but it always made you nervous walking home from work in the dark.  

It may have been the chill in the air or the fact that you couldn't see the path ahead of you , but the nights never seemed more dark. Tonight you had to stay later waiting on a child's parent who had been caught up doing something that you did not care to remember. It was normal for this child in a way that almost made you worry. 

Your thoughts of the child was cut short when you heard a sharp wrap on someones door of a house you were passing. It had been silent that the noise had genuinely startled you. You watched three tall cloaked figures barge into the house before the owners had the opportunity to great them. Something isn't right. 

Your heart begins to race and your walk turns into a scurry as you begin to panic hearing a commotion from the house, then screams. As you ran you hardly noticed the amount of light from the houses surrounding you become brighter and brighter until the smell of smoke hit you. You stop , petrified of what you see in front of you. The houses around you are ablaze and ahead of you , the sound of footsteps, in unison sound like drums banging. 

Shaking , cold, and subconsciously tears fall from your eyes you realize what is happening. The First Order is here, conducting a raid... in your village. 

Without any reason ; you had nothing to hide, you turned and ran back. They seemed to be moving in the same direction as you so it would make sense to go back the way you came. you would just go back to work and call for help from there.  Your grip on your keys tightened as you sprinted through the tall grass along the path. Your breath hitched as you heard something shuffle beside you. You sob out as you understand the noise is catching up to you. 

You run and run, unable to see, terrified of what could be chasing you. You sobbed and screamed when something swiftly knocked into you. You where tackled to the ground with ease and tried to cry out but the breath had been knocked from your lungs. Trying to quickly get back to your feet your body went crashing back to the ground and a strong weight pushed into your spine. Someone was standing on you, holding you down into the dirt. 

  "Please!" you cried out when you finally got a breath of air. Your chest felt tight , no doubt it was this things force on you. You expected a response but found none. You cried so loud and were breathing so quickly though you may have missed it. You kept trying to push yourself up but were stuck down again and again with a thick black boot, you screamed when you felt a new sensation. It was this deafening ringing and your senses where enveloped by this ringing. it completely took over your body and you became completely quiet. You stopped screaming, thrashing, and just lay there in the dirt helpless until your mind went dark. 

Kylo's pov 

It is extremely frustrating feeling defeated once again. As your troops and Knights tore through the outer villages on Naboo searching for rebel alliance hiding under the radar, and coming out empty handed. Frustrating indeed. The only thing the bucket heads seemed to find was very dated books from the old republic. The citizens still fought as though they were being arrested... like they were hiding things. The fight they put up was entertaining but nothing was to match my orders. I genuinely didn't care if any innocents died, they shouldn't have fought if they had nothing to hide. I will not be disobeyed from a world that swore to be in allegiance with the First Order.  

I watched as some troopers tore through a smaller empty house, again coming out short of any rebel alliance evidence that could help me snuff out more of those rats. 

"Its empty, should we leave it or burn it ?" a squad leader asked me , i could sense a tension within him. But also loyalty. 

"Burn it down. Then call your troops back, we are going to return to the ships." I commanded and turned to begin the walk back to my ship. With there being so little light in this region we landed them further away from the village and it was quite a distance. 

Reaching out in my mind i searched the force for my knights. All except Ushar were making there way back having heard my order. Ushar was in the field about a 100 yards ahead of me, his aura showed that he had found something. 

If he has a prisoner, why hasn't he killed them? What could he be doing with them , are they important? You wondered about who he had captured as you quickened your pace to see what was holding him up. 

"What have you got Ushar?" you stared down and the small body in the dirt, it was a small female who by the looks of it put up a damn fight but Ushar knocked her out.

"She didn't come from a home sir. She was retreating this was and I caught her trying to escape." Ushar spoke monotone, but his mind said he was more interested than he gave off. 

"Bring her, we could make her of some use to us. She must have been a rebel running away like that." With that I pushed away from them and kept walking. That little girl consuming my imagination, he didn't kill her for some reason, and when she wakes up i'll find out myself. I haven't had a new prisoner in a while, but she already has my interest piped. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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