Letters To Jamie

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One, two, three, four, five...

Five years had passed since the last time we've seen each other.

Five years had passed since the last road trip we got together.

Five years had passed since we last caressed each other.

Time flew past but despite those silent years, I can still remember vividly all the memories we shared.

All those simple things. The smiles, the laughters, every single moment that we're together, I treasured it so much. Every bit of it.

You've been a great part of my life. You are my first friend. My first love. My first cry. And my first heartbreak.

I remember when we were in our last year in college. There are multiple times I spent my days crying because you won't talk to me. I don't know what I did wrong but you just started to avoid me. That hurt me so much. I felt like I was dump. I felt like I was left behind.

I treasure you so much so I was really hurt during the times that we're not okay. Until one cold December night you just hugged me and say how sorry you are for what you've done. Of course I forgave you and I'm so happy we're finally okay. I nearly cried in tears of joy but I maintained myself. I can't just screw myself in front of you. That would be embarrassing.

But then, life must be so cruel because my family decided to migrate in Canada after we graduated in college.

I'm so sorry that I left. I'm so sorry that I haven't said goodbye to you. It was so sudden. I hadn't have time to react. I just found myself in the airport, crying for help. Shouting your name in the sea of crowds I'm not familiar with. Turns out we're leaving because my family found out that we're dating.

It hurts to be apart from you. But life goes on. We continue to live our lives in different ways. We met different people. I found new friends, you found yours too. I don't know. I'm just guessing. I haven't heard from you for a very long time. And I missed you so damn much.

I dont even know if you're getting all my letters. 'Cause you're not responding to me even just for once. Maybe you're not receiving my letters. Because I know if you do, you'll write me one immediately. But it's okay. Maybe you've already moved on. I wish I was too.

It's crazy how years had passed, but it's still you I think of everytime I wake up. And it's always you who occupies my mind before I sleep. I love you, Jamie. I still love you after all these years.

Dad told me that if five years had passed, and my feelings for you hasn't changed, he will let me go home. He will let us to happen.

And so I waited for years.

I buried myself in work so that I will not think of the time. Of how long am I still going to wait. I got myself busy. I worked so hard. And I proved myself to dad countless of times. So that when we finally be together, he can't just take me away again.

Jamie, I'm coming home. I hope just like me, you're still waiting for me. I hope just like me, you still love me.

Happy birthday my love. And congratulations! I know by this time, you're already a doctor and I am so proud of you! Please wait for me. I love you!


I grip my chest and tried to steady my heavy breathing. The scented paper I'm holding started to be wet from the tears that's continuously falling from my now puffed eyes. I fold it and bring it to my heart, hugging it like it's the most precious possession I've got.

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