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Harry was laying on his bed awake. As usual. He never slept much these days since the Sirius even though the dursleys had layed on more chores.And the cruel words. And the cruel beatings. And it wasn't anything like last year. The beatings existed every day now maybe twice. He was so worked up about Sirius he nearly liked the pain. It was a getaway. He was laying in bed. It was one am. He just had a nightmare. Sirius.

It probably wasn't the brightest of ideas of the order to tell his uncle what happened during his 5th year. Or even parts of it. All his uncle knew  was that someone close to Harry had died while trying to save him. It was probably the worst idea of theirs yet as now, he was also being punished for being a freak murderer. A worthless killer. A killer who should kill himself.

Harry had seen her two weeks ago laughing and supposedly happy. Blair was now gone, hopefully in a better place. But he could not erase that image from his mind. The night will haunt him forever. He will never again look at a rope and think nothing of it. The sight is engraved in his memory now, no going back.

He was laying in bed it was 11pm willing himself not to sleep it was to painful. He heard the door open downstairs. It was Vernon. He was drunk. Harry hope the drinking binge would make him pass out, not even make it to Harry. He strained his ears, even Hedwig would be impressed, for any sign of movement or a suspicion that Vernon would be coming up. Harry didn't hear anything but a few slurred words to aunt petunia about loosing a client and how odd that was. Then, out of the blue, "IT WAS HIM PETUNIA!," Vernon bellowed "THAT THAT BOY THING HAS USED HIS FREAKISH MAGIC TO GET REVENGE ON ME AFTER IVE BEEM NOTHING BUT SOFT ON HIM!" Harry nearly laughed if he wasn't so terrified. Thundering footsteps thumped up the stairs. How odd, thought Harry, one man can make it sound that a heard of elephants coming up the stairs. Then he focused his mind to how to escape. His eyes averted to the window, but then remembered that Vernon his replaced the infamous bars on the windows again, only sturdier. Harry didn't know what to do so he peparded himself for a blow and he pretended to sleep, knowing rightly it wouldn't work, Vernon would gladly wake him up. The fat,beefy man smashed through the door and yanked his arm, an inch from coming out of its socket and pinned him up against the wall. Harry gasped for a breath. He was going to die. No, no, no, no, no. He was threw to the ground, after what felt like hours and the next thing Harry knew was,Belt buckles. Fists and feet. Blood and pain.But the thing that threw Harry of was Vernon hit him. In the face. Hard and It was around the time the order usually came to call to take him away. How was he to hide this one? He was in trouble.
A few days later Harry received a letter saying he'd be brought straight to headquarter the next day and to be ready by 9pm. Harry hadn't unpacked but wasted a hopeless amount of time trying to cover his bags underneath his eyes from lack of sleep, his bones and lack of fat from not eating and most importantly his bruise from that night. All the time spent was a waste. The weasleys were going to flip when they saw him. Especially Mrs Weasley. Harry's face broke out in a grin probably the second time that summer. The weasleys. They'd always made Harry feel so happy and part of the family. He couldn't wait to see the burrow agin. He knew they were going back to Grimmauld place but they said in Harry's birthday letter they could visit the burrow. The excitement turned into fear. They were going to see him like this. O no. They'd fuss for years upon end. Aw shit. It was now 8:55 and Harry had five minutes maybe they wouldnt see it if it was dark. What about the morning. You could say it was from the ministry and you concealed it. No the bruise would have been away. Maybe. He could tell the truth. Not all of it just maybe his uncle came home drunk. Yeah but hopefully they won't see tonight. And I'll sleep on it. Ha. No I won't. But I'll be able to think about it. Just then a loud screech came from down starirs. Harry sprinted down the stairs wand raised. He was met by aunt petunia screeching at the sight of wizards. "What's your name." Harry said to Mad eye, Tonks, Remus and Arthur eyeing them as they each said their names. "Harry are you ok what happens to your fa-" Harry put his hand up to silence him he then turned to moody "what did you teach us in our first lesson professor." "Didn't teach you anything I was being held prisoner." Harry nooded and moved onto Tonks "what did you say when you first saw my room" "that's more like it." She grinned Harry turned to lupin "what did I scream at you when when um si- no what were you teaching me in our private lessons sir."Harry was going to ask him what he'd screamed at him when Sirius died but he couldn't bare to say the words. Everyone noticed this and even moodys face became slightly pained at the slip up. "A coperal patronas" said lupin "um yeah" Harry said awkwardly then turned to Arthur . "What was the first thing you asked me about muggles sir" "the function of a rubber duck" Arthur grinned. "What did you see in the mirror of erised." Moody cut in "My parents, sir" Harry said. "Good" Moody said Roughly. The rest enveloped him in a hug. "How you holding up kid" Tonks said. "Fine" Harry said but everything about him said different. "Sleeping well Harry." Moody said from the kitchen. "Um not many vision if that's what you mean sir" Harry said not wanting to get into his nightmares. "Maybe three to four times a week." "Not every night then" "No" Harry replied tiredly "Eating well Harry" lupin said "I-" petunia cut in here "The boy dosent eat I don't know what happened in you freak place but he's not eating he's went six days without food once. I don't know how he does it. I'm only telling you this so the boy dosent go off and lie to you" Everyone's heads snapped over to Harry "I well no apitite" Harry appetite nothing I can't handle I've eaten a bit every day though for the past week." Harry tried. "Can we talk about this later sir can we please go I want to see ron" Harry tried agin. Arthur said "Yes I believe 6 other weasleys are dying to see you to and had to hex them to not com along." Though he still looked deeply concerned. Harry grinned. Wow he had smiled today more then the last two years. "Oh and Mrs Dursley" Auther said "the 'boy' has a name and it's Harry." And he turned to leave, striding out with an arm around Harry's shoulders "um thanks Mr Weasley, are we going on brooms again" Harry asked excitedly. "No plus by the sight of you you'd fall of when a gush of wind comes" Tonks joked. Harry scowled "so how are we getting there then. "Apperation" lupin said kindly. "You can choose who you want to apperate with but mind you Tonks always seems to splint." Tonks playfully slapped him. "Shut up Remus keep in mind Remus only passed on his 12th go" "I'll go with Arthur ." Harry said "you two seem to be keen to go with each other so no one messes up." Harry winks but really he wanted to go with Arthur because well. He just did. Then Vernon Dursley came through the door. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS HAPPING HERE" he bellowed "Hello Mr Dursley" "FREAKS FREAKS" Harry once again barley held in his flinch at the word "YOU BOY I TOLD YOU NOT TO BRING THEM OH ONCE I GET MY HANDS ON YOU-" He threatened viscousally "STOP" Mr weasley yelled stepping infront of Harry wand raised. Ready to strike. "Is this your oh so precious godfather potter" Vernon spat. Harry's face paled dramatically and the pain and grief returned to his eyes "Let's get out of here" Harry said. And walked out of the house Arthur tight in his tails. Once out of the house Harry had looked down to the ground auther lifted his chin "Are you alright Harry" Mr. Weasley asked gently "Fine." He replied after a knowing gaze from the bolting man. "Better once we get out of here." "Yes, right hold on tight Harry" and Harry then felt like he was being pulled through a tight rubber tube. It was highly uncomfortable. He couldn't breath. His chest constricted. His eyes being forced to the back of his mind. Then it stopped abruptly and Harry stumbled forward as Arthur held him up. "Uncomfortable right! Ron was sick then fainted the first time I done this to him." "Can't see why sir" Harry joked. "Is he alright Arthur?" came a voice from behind "didn't faint or puke?" "No he fine Alastor" "Good" he said gruffly Harry looked up and saw grimuald place. He was back again.

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