Dreaming for a Dream [boyxboy]

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I hate my life. I'm constantly rediculed by bullies (and teachers), my parents don't appreciate me, and I have zero friends and I haven't dreamt in years. To top it off I'm also socially awquard. Well this is my life.

It was a thursday, pretty boring I was in my first period class, math. My teacher was blabbering about integers and complex fractions and whatnot. I was so bored and I had nothing to do, except doodle in my notebook. I really like to draw manga or anime but occasianally I'll draw some chibi just for fun. You see this is why I'm a loner. I think drawing chibi every once in a while makes me 'kewl'. I hate myself. That's one of the reasons I cut myself. The other reasons (and there's many) include pissy unapproving parents, and zero friends. I sit in the back corner of the classroom to avoid having to raise my hand in class and having to talk. I don't usually talk unless the teacher is asking me a question but even then, sometimes I will just pretend like I didn't hear them until they just pick on someone else's hand.

Anyway, after math class, I walked down the long crowded hallway to french class. In the front of the class I saw a boy standing with the teacher. I didn't give it much thought until I saw his glowing hazel eyes. Wait what am I thinking. Anways... My teacher introduced him as Jeremy Wellington.  He was skinny and lanky, about the same height as me. He was also emo, with the stereotypical 'emo flap' that swooped from his right side of his head, over his left eye. Apperantly he was a foreign exchange student from england who had lived in France for 3 years. Our teacher thought this gave him an edge in speaking French because he developed a French accent. But he didn't have one really. It was actually british, and kinda sexy. Oh my gosh! Why do I keep thinking that. Well after Jeremy was introduced by the teacher, he asked us to call him 'J'. He sat down next to me and for some reason I fealt kinda nice. Maybe because I got to sit next to the hot, I mean new British  kid.

He said "Nice to meet ya mate" and my stomache got butterflies. Geez I'm not a nervous person usually. Why was I getting so freaked out? I said "uh I am uh Hi I yah." J then began to snicker with his adorable face WTF BRAIN. Anyway  he explained that he had lost his book and i scootched my desk closer to his so we could be closer. We shared a book until the end of class. After French, we found out that him and I both have gym next period together and he told me he would pick me first to be on his team. I was NOT used to this and almost dropped to the floor with excitement. I forgot my gym bag so I had to run up stairs to get it from my locker.

I got down stairs just in time. I quickly got dressed into my silky gym shorts and my old, baggy t-shirt. I couldn't help but notice J's 6 pack and his hot ass in that underwear, mmmm OH MY GOD WHAT AM I THINKING. BOOBIES BOOBIES TITS VAG IM STRAIGHT UGH BOOOOOBS!!!!! OMG!!!!!

Well... now that that's over, I walked into the gym with my head hanging in self-shame. I sat in my spot and held my thumb up to show the teacher I had changed. I hate gym. Not only do I have to get out of my skinny jeans and sexy shirt into dumb clothes that only douche-bags would wear in public. Not only this, but your hair gets messed up (especially when it's as long as mine) and you get extremely sweaty and stinky. I couldn't help but notice how quick J moved through the gym easily dodging balls and diving to catch them to get another student out. He was so cute when he ran around. OMG I think I'm gay..... 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2012 ⏰

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