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Narrative: Just read. It probably sucks anyways.

Also, I'm not sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️


A large, flashing bolt of lightning hit directly into the water as if Zeus himself struck the sea with all his might. The waves shifted chaotically to the melody of the heavy-pouring rain that danced around all of Queens. And standing at the very edge of a cliff, overlooking it all, was the one and only Peter Parker.

But this wasn't the normal Peter. This wasn't the optimistic, Star Wars loving nerd with a secret alter ego. Not the Peter who would always find the good in everything or have complete faith. This Peter had no light in his eyes. No joy in his steps. No hope or happiness filling his heart whole. Not even a fake smile he would try to cheer himself up with after a difficult day.

This Peter held a firm frown on his face. His happy thoughts were replaced without a trace. Misery, sorrow, and darkness was all that was left. Every single drop of rain that would fall on him had nothing against the amount of tears that left his eyes earlier. That was still filling in there and flooding his sight, similar to the fish tank they spotted together at the pet store. His clothes were heavily soaked, but he didn't care. The wound on his side had reopened as blood leaked through, yet again, he didn't care. Peter's once bright sun-kissed skin had lost all its colour, looking even more bleak than the grey skies above. And he was hanging on the very edge of the rocky cliff, that if he leaned forward, he might finally find peace.

"Take a deep breath."

He remembered these words as they left his mother's mouth. "It hurts," a five-year old Peter Parker whined as his mother cleaned his wounds carefully, while his father was standing behind the chair he sat on holding down his shoulders for comfort. At the time, Peter had just gotten into his first fight after witnessing some kids bullying another. Granted Peter was smaller than the bullies, but he wouldn't back down because he knew what was right. It seems he's always had a knack for helping others even before his hero days, and his parents were so proud at this. Though his mother did warn him there'd be consequences next time. His father on the other hand, praised the child. A touching moment between the family right before Mary and Richard Parker were off to a trip they'd never return from.

A large clap of thunder boomed into the sky. So loud it could shake the earth.

"Peter, breathe."

His Uncle Ben uttered, trying to soothe a sobbing Peter as he carried the dying man in his arms. Blood kept streaming out the area where the bullet buried deep inside the older Parker. Although Peter couldn't stop crying as he continued to watch his Uncle die in front of him. How could he have let this happen?!? If only Peter didn't argue with Ben. If only he hadn't ran out the apartment. Maybe then Ben would still be alive. He wouldn't have gotten shot if it weren't for Peter's stubbornness. And Peter still felt at fault. He could've hurried over and save Ben. Or better yet, use his newfound powers to catch the escaping thieves. But he couldn't leave Uncle Ben to bleed out on the street. "It'll be okay," Ben had whispered as he ruffled his nephew's hair for the last time before his body fell limp in Peter's arms.

Peter's once tame auburn locks swayed with the trees that the harsh wind was beating down on.

"Relax, kid. Breathe..."

His mentor and the famed hero, Tony Stark, told him as he patted Peter on the back. This was when they were to head out to a press conference, introducing Peter as his intern. A false cover for him to work closely with Tony without raising suspicion about his secret identity. Peter could only give an awkward smile and nod, still trying to calm his nerves. Lucky for them it turned out well in the end. With even a hilarious photo taken together as to show Peter's apprenticeship. That had probably turned out to be the best day for them as they shared a father/son bond, and a wonderful moment. Unknowingly, it would be one of their last as months afterwards their lives would change forever. And although they found each other again, albeit five years late, they hugged each other tightly and almost unwilling to let go as it was actually their last moment. One last moment before Tony would disappear from Peter's life permanently.

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