Candles and Condos

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"Piper watch it, you're going to burn yourself!" Leo shouted, but couldn't contain his laughter as he looked up from his Laptop. "I seriously don't understand how you've managed to not burn down the apartment."
Piper stuck her tongue out as she set down her match. She had just recently scavenged Bath and Body works for candles on her way home. It had become a monthly routine as she walked back from her job at the skate shop. As much as she hated doing retail, she enjoyed walking around the city and had to admit she had met some pretty cool people.
"Well then Leo," she responded while crossing her arms, "why don't you light it for me?"

He sighed as he closed his laptop. As much as he loved Piper, right now she was the one thing in between him and his fourth rewatch of "The Office". As he struck the match and lit the candle, his face broke into a smile. You see, they had this conversation one time about how Candles could smell like the most ridiculous things and she would buy it, and here he was lighting a candle that smelt like freshly baked bread and butter.
"There you go, ask me next time before you really do burn yourself and then I have to listen to you whine all night." Even though Leo was younger, he liked the feeling of protecting Piper. Before he was adopted by the McLeans he constantly felt like he had to watch his back, watching his sisters was better. Leo smiled at Piper as she rolled her eyes. "Wanna finish watching the..." Leo trailed off as he watched Piper's phone buzz.
"Hey Dad, what's up?" Piper smiled cheerily as if her dad could actually see her. While she usually wasn't a good conversationalist as she preferred texting, Leo took note of how excited she still sounded as he turned his laptop back on. He'd ask her if she wanted to watch with him and a pile of mismatched blankets in a moment. He only snapped out of his thoughts when Piper mentioned his name. He gestured what with his hands only to roll his eyes as Piper ignored him. After what felt like forever, Piper finally ended the call "yeah of course! I'll tell him right now, uh huh love you too dad."
Piper finally turned towards her brother. She pushed him over from the spot he migrated to on the couch to make room for her to sit. He made a sound of content as he moved his arm to wrap it around her. He lightly stroked her hair for a moment before deciding to give a small tug on a little braid she had in her hair.
"What did dad want?"
Pipers face lit up, suddenly reminded of her conversation as Leo stopped playing with her hair.
"Okay, prepare yourself because this is just about the coolest thing ever. So first off, he landed the big movie role! And second, it's being filmed in Rome and he wants to take us with him!"
"Holy crap! When??"
Leo had to admit, as much as he loved the city, he thought it would be a lot more fun to stroll around Rome.
"We leave next week, only catch is Dad says we have to get someone to have the apartment for a bit. That way we can have it back sooner or later. Anyways, as exciting as this is, I have a headache so I think I'm going to go lay down," Piper ruffled Leo's hair, "Love you!"
"Love you too pendeja," he said wheezing, "of course you have a headache! Honestly what do you expect after smelling all those candles?"
Piper stuck out her tongue before going to her room.
As Piper later in her and bed and Leo sat on the couch, they both happened to message a friend who they thought was perfect for the apartment. Only problem was that it wasn't the same friend-

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