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Woke up in this misty morning
The cold was enough for shivering
I kept on wondering
If you had your favourite drink
The day feels so amazing
I hope you are feeling it too
I saw the rainbow forming
As the rain was pouring
There was this thing that I kept wondering
Will the lovers meet under the umbrella
That the guy was carrying
Won't they have their moment of saving
And have that moment of kissing
That the cliché romantic movies keep showing
And see themselves in such a way that
Their love never stops from ceasing
As I keep on standing
In the balcony reminiscing
The scent of rain kept on hitting
I pray for some new memory making
I hope for a day when me and you are living
The fruits of all of our praying
We will be there in the balcony hugging
Warming ourselves in the cold misty morning
With you having your favourite drink in it
With us finally having a purpose for living

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