Chapter One

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"Hi, Mrs. Viet. This is Selena with-- "

"Not interested" click

"Hi Mr. Wantz, this is Selena with Panda tea product. We make--"

"Fuck off bitch!" Click!!

"Hi, Mr. Sanford. This is Selena with the Panda tea product. We make a green tea validated for your health that is guaranteed to help you maintain good health and ensures long-lasting-"

"I told you guys to take my name off your list. You just woke me up. Shit!" Click.

"Well good day sir," I said as the man hung up on me. This was hell. It was eight am in the morning and I've made hundreds of calls around the globe. I've ticked off women in Tacoma, irritated men in Vancouver, and woken sleeping women with beautiful dreams in NY.

I stared around the boiler room at the number of telemarketers screaming into their phones trying to sell the Panda product. At least Mr. Sanford gave me a chance to introduce the product.

The door to the boiler room opened and Kay Gordy, the boiler room diva who also happens to be my friend, came in with popcorn in hand. Her little son Junior held a popsicle in one hand too.

"Back from your little lunch break, I see" I turned my chair to face her table that stood next to mine.

"Lunch break ain't even enough. When's your shift ending for today?" Kay asked me with a drop of her popcorn.

"In a minute. I just ticked off the last victim of our terrible torture" I grinned making Kay nod with pride. Taking the night shift is not the easiest thing to do but at least the calls are fewer.

"Them Pandamites better get used to us" She whooped her hands in the air. Her little boy asked for water and she pointed him to the dispenser that stood a far distance away. He trotted away happily to get a drink like a lost camel in the Sahara.

"I better tell Corby I'm about leaving," I said standing up. I shoved most of the things I need and take home, into my work bag before kissing Kay on her cheek.

"Dinner is on me tonight," Kay said. I hurried out of the boiler room after shutting my computer down. The next person on the morning shift can easily turn it on. I took the windy steps to my boss's office. The VP of Panda Health Tea. Over the years, we've grown friendly and he's taken a liking to me.

The sight of his wooden door came to view and I sighed in relief that he was even in. So I rapped twice on the door and it pushed open, I stalked in with a confident walk.

"Miss Brookes," Corby Cox said. He pointed to the chair right in front of him so I sat down. I just came in to say I was off but if he wants me to seat, he has something to say. Corby is a nice boss in his late forties and a fish-loving guy who has become my friend over the years I've worked with him, starting with when he took me in as an intern.

"Hope I ain't disturbing you," I say moving my thick-rimmed glasses above my nose.

"You know I always make time for you." He dropped his pen down and leaned against his leather chair. "You were headed home yet?"

"Yeah. I'm off for today but I don't get back until eight tonight"

"Wrong twice," Corby said and I eyed him from above my glasses.

"I'm sending you to Florida on a business assignment" Corby prompted and I was all ears now.

"Florida? I've never done business assignments outside of Seattle. And by the way, I thought Michelle does all the assignments. My job is to ring people" I said to him even though he already knows that. Corby shook his head and then got to his feet while I just remained seated. I've had a long night.

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