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Hello fellow jojo fans! Please let me introduce you to this book and talk a bit about why I chose to do it.

Poems are not very common among the world of fan creations, but I think they can portray certains ideas and feelings we may not be able to express in other way.

I think Jojo's is a very rich franchise full of different concepts and beautiful stories and characters with very poetic aspects.

A big example is part 5 specially the way narancia's and bucciarati's deaths were portrayed. In fact, I believe it may be the most poetic part of all of Jojo's thus being a big inspiration for this book.

I had this idea and decided to go for it! I don't have anything planned, each chapter will be a new poem that can be about anything Jojo related. (I may write about ships and fanfiction in general)

Whenever the inspiration comes, I'll write one! Join me on this little adventure and let's see what this book will turn out like!


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