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A ginger-haired 27-year-old woman was sitting on soft black couch. Playing Subway Surfers.
Suddenly, she feels a body flop beside her and wrap their arm around her.

"You've been quiet Emma. What are you doing?"
Ray, Emma's boyfriend, asked. His girlfriend's fingers swipe up, down and side to side against the screen of her phone.

"I'm playing Subway Surfers."
Emma replied, eyes still glued to the screen. Ray watches Emma play the game. As her character was running, the score was getting higher faster.

After a while, a white-haired boyfriend, Norman, was walking towards the kitchen.
Ray watches their boyfriend walk into the kitchen.

The black-haired adult got up and went into the kitchen. Norman was holding a cup of water, with his phone in his other hand. Getting ready to call a Pizza Place.

Before a presses the Call button, he looks up to see Ray standing against the door frame.

"Oh hey Ray, I was just about to order the pizza that we were gonna buy."
Norman stated, as he was holding the Pizza Place's menu in his other hand.

"I see. . ."
Ray said, before he walked away. He went down the hall, making his way into his room. Norman's face suddenly fills with concern, he peeks out of the kitchen, staring at Ray's now closed door.

He puts his phone and the menu down on the counter and went over to the couch, where Emma was.

"Emma, is there anything wrong with Ray?"

Emma paused the game and tilted her head up at Norman.

"Well, he was fine a few minutes ago when he was checking on me."
Emma explained.

"He's in his room now. Is it a good idea to check on him?"
Norman asked, glancing at Ray's door.
The short-haired girl puts her phone down and nods to him.

"We should make sure our Ray's okay."
Emma grabs Norman's hand and they speed-walk down the hall.

Emma lightly knocks on the black-painted door, earning a "Hm?" sound from the other side of the door.

"Are you alright Ray?"

Ray replies, loud enough for his two lovers to hear him.

Norman and Emma make eye contact, both looking in each others eyes in concern.

"Can we come in?"
Norman asked. They started to hear footsteps, knowing that Ray was coming to open the door.

Just as Ray opens his door, he lets Emma and Norman in first.

The three adults sit on the soft bed. Emma takes a blanket that was nearby and wraps it around them all.

"Ray, we know you aren't okay, can you please tell us what's wrong?"
Emma hugs Ray's arm, also lifting her head up, showing her sparkly green eyes. Norman starts rubbing their boyfriends back

The raven-haired man slowly inhaled and exhaled before speaking.

"Because of the coronavirus, we can't even go anywhere this year."

"We go places special for Christmas every year. As I was sitting here, I tried to come up with fun things to do."
Ray confessed. Emma and Norman both smiled and hugged Ray.

"Don't worry little Ray, we'll figure something out."
The moon-haired man kissed the ravenette quick.

"Our wittle Norwan's right Ray."
Emma cooed in a cute voice.
They all leaned back on Ray's bed and started cuddling.

. . . . .

"Ray! Norman! Come help me build a snowman!"
Emma said energetically, she started rolling some snow to try to make some of the snowman's body.

Norrayemma Christmas Special(The Promised Neverland)Where stories live. Discover now