Chapter One~ Blades Don't Help

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Prince Gumball's (P.O.V)

♪With the blade in my hand,

And the blood on my lips,

I carve the smile,

For I am lite,

Into the unknowns of lies,

But no one cares for the emo fag,

For no one screams,

Instead they laugh,

At for who he has become,

And for his sins,

That unfold the story.... ♪

I stumble upon this book next to Marshall Lee's body and conclude that Marshall Lee must of been through alot to write a song this deep, this.. detailed... this emotional... And I have only made things worse by testing his anger... But what has Marshall Lee gone through.. To where he thinks this way... Maybe I can help... I am determined to help!

"I guess I'm getting robbed by a sexy theif... " Marshall Lee said then coughed.


I quickly hug Marshall Lee as he tries to sit up.

"Haha you thought I was dead?... "

I slap Marshall then whine, "You dumb piece of shit."

I cup his cheeks in my hands and passionately kiss him. Marshall Lee moves his hands to my waist then straddles my hip onto his.

We continue to kiss but I pull myself apart from Marshall slowly.

Then I lean towards his ear and whisper, "I love you Marshy..."

Marshall Lee grins then says, "I love you too Bubba.. "

I'm guessing 'Bubba' is my new nickname..

I look in his eyes and ask in a baby voice, "Marshy?.. Why do you want to die so bad?.. "

Marshall Lee slides one hand in his hair, and looks the other way then replies, "Because... I have nothing to live for..."

I gasp then give him a sarcastic laugh, "So I'm not a reason to live?... Haha well guess what?.."

I get off his waste then laugh harder, "I guess you trully don't love me!!"

I walk out the front door and once I reach the door, I cried. I can feel my tears stream down my face, and my heart ache with sincere pain. Marshall follows me but I'm tired, and done with this pain he keeps making me go through....

He said he loved me... he lied straight to my face! Directly to me! I can't believe him!!! To think I love him soo much sounds immature now and improper. I'm going to stop thinking of love, and instead think of my future plans as Prince of the Candy Kingdom. I will pronounce my grammar better, and improve my posture!

*Thursday~ Day Before Winter Dance*

Marshall Lee's (P.O.V)

Gumball has ignored all my 64 messages... All of them were apology messages... Cause I feel real bad for Gumball, because I do love him.. I love him so much that it hurts, and what I was trying to say... Didn't come out right.

I walk to my 7th period to see him in class... sitting with turtle prince. The way he sat was perfect, the way he spoke to Turtle prince made me feel something...

I feel miserable.... like I'm inside a bubble suffocating, and watching as Gumball talks to someone else on the outside. It makes me feel angry, hurt and sad inside because I want Gumball so badly... To hear his voice... To hug him.. To kiss his cheek and repeatedly whisper I love you...

♠ ♪Sorry this is such a short update.. Homework makes me lazy... but anyways.. I died my hair a dark blue yesterday and now it just looks black ("-.-) but... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! YAYY!! \(^U^)/ I Love you guys so vote, comment and read on!! Thnx

~ Blackforever13 ♪♠

Love Over Blood {GumLee Fanfiction} Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now