The Storm

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If it wasn’t for this storm I never would have stayed,
And the vow you made in the chapel would have never been betrayed.
But don’t be afraid the secret with me is enclosed,
Only me and this paper will know what feelings were showed.
When I came to your door the storm was at my heels,
The sky was dark the wind was gusting outside it was getting real.
Nothing could have prepared me for what time would have revealed,
I ventured in the doorstep and for awhile with small talk time was killed.
After I received an email from you I was on your side of town and decided to ride by, 
Curiosity was killing me softly and then seeing one car in the driveway I rolled in like the high tide. 
But yet and still I saw you still had it,
The very essence that years ago had my emotions emphatic.
It was like magic released from a wizard it hard to explain,
You mind was worried because your husband and son might be caught in this rain.
The pain was all in your face but I assured you they would return home safe,
I said, ‘This is a nice place,” when you looked at me I saw the pinkness of your lips and the mahogany in your cheeks,
I guided my hand across your face to reassure you of the words I speak.
You thought it was sweet. The fullness of this woman was becoming so distracting,
It was setting the mood and on the situation it was impacting.
It called for action, the glow from your bosom was blinding like bright lights,
Doing my best not to stare but if doing so was wrong I didn't want to be right. 
These feelings I tried to fight but making contact into those hazel eyes,
Was the last consequent step that made my nature rise.
With a little surprise you moved closer and yes I was expecting this,
With no hesitation I gathered your lips in a kiss.
My abyss was tipped but no time was wasted, your ears, your neck also had to be tasted.
The lights went out but to the two of us there was no alarm,
I was being seduced by passion while you were introduced to charm.
You felt the broadness of my arms the only time we saw each other was from the lightning flashes,
The heat was so thick you could see it with magnifying glasses.
As the thunder was clashing outside, inside we were making revelations,
As we explored one another’s body and held sensual demonstrations.
My tongue I was placing in spots where I received an invite,
As the warmness and honey complexion of your flesh curved my appetite.
Your mouth was a fountain of delight and sensuous purities you exclaimed,
As more heat was felt than skin over an open flame.
I heard my name but only in a whisper as the energy of this had me breathless,
This whole situation reminds me of a soap opera we were both young and restless.
My thoughts were blurred and in ecstasy I became erratic,
But so did you, orgasms were coming one after another like the rounds in a semi-automatic.
You increased my love making status for your desires I had to work,
And a new style you helped me create like designers and T-shirts.
As the lights came on I was off and so was the storm now it was only light showers,
But the moments we shared were not long but lasted for what seemed like hours.
Your husband came home safe and sound and your son did to,
As our special time was etched in your memory your hubby said, “Baby I love you.”
As you hugged your son and gave your husband a kiss things were now back to the norm, 
But whether you want to admit it or not you became whet from precipitation and it wasn't because of the storm. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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