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Darth Krayt sat before a rounded window that led out into the depths of space. His eyes were closed and he was meditating, focusing closely on something. He leaned forward ever so slightly, sensing that he was drawing closer to the source.

He was interrupted, though, as Darth Nihl stepped into the room. "Master."

Darth Krayt's eyes snapped open and he swung around in his chair, drawing his lightsaber.

Darth Nihl took a step back. "I'm sorry, Master. I just thought you should know: the deed is done."

"The Jedi in Ossus, they are all killed?"

"Most of them, Master. Some were able to escape. It was mostly padawans, though. Nearly every Jedi Master and Knight at Ossus have been slaughtered."

Darth Krayt turned back around in his chair and faced the endless chasm of space once more. "Very well."

"This is a win, Master," said Darth Nihl.

"No!" screamed Darth Krayt. "Battles like these mean nothing! There are no true wins until the war itself has been won. There are new complications, you see. I have sensed a dark murmur in the force."

"A new Sith, do you think?"

"No," answered Krayt. "This was harder to sense. It was a Jedi, I believe. Only it was powerful, the likes of which I have not felt in many years. And there was something else, too. Although it was a Jedi, it was not the light side of the force."

"You think a Jedi has tapped into the dark side of the force?" asked Darth Nihl. "It's happened before."

"Yes, but not without training, or persausion," said Darth Krayt. "Whoever this Jedi is, I will get my hands upon them. I will lure them to the dark side, and with their power I will be... unstoppable!"

Star Wars: Skywalker's Revenge

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