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Johnny Cade was very happy today. Why wouldn't he be? He had his wonderful boyfriend and his good friends. Everyone in the gang. Ponyboy, Two-bit, Dally, Steve, Darry, and Sodapop. Today was just his day to be happy. Johnny blushed thinking about his boyfriend Sodapop. Last month Soda had asked him to be his boyfriend which made Johnny feel like the happiest person ever.

Johnny had had a crush on Soda for some time and apparently so did Soda. He still can't believe how it was possible, even everyone in the gang was surprised.

Johnny looked down at his wrist watch, only to notice it was 12:15. He had 15 minutes before he had to be at the curtis's house.
He decided to stop by the bakery to get a yummy desert for him and Soda to eat.

Johnny entered the shop only to be hit with the aroma of all the baked goods. He looked over at all the dessert for a while until settling on some delicious looking almond croissant. He grabbed two with the tongs and placed them carefully in a bag. He looked over the tall mrable white counter turning red at the though of how childish he might of looked.

He paid for his stuff and feeling very playfully he pulled down the sleeves of his blue hoodie and walked in big exaggerated steps. It made him feel cute. He walked out of the shop trying to some how capture the smell of all the baked goods in his nose. He ran excitedly with the brown bag in his hand all the way to the Curtis's house.

"Soda! I'm here! Johnny called when he stepped inside. He looked around seeing no one. Maybe Soda was late? Johnny sat down on the couch and took out a cigarette. He light it with the lighter he kept in his pocket, taking a few puffs. Surprisingly Johnny liked to smoke while Soda, his boyfriend rarely smoked at all.

This reminded Johnny of how Two bit often made remarks on how he smoked so much but looked completely innocent. Still Ponyboy was the true extreme smoker. He probably had smoked more packets of cigarettes in his whole life than Johnny despite being a few years younger.

A few minutes latter johnny was already lost in thought when Soda came through the door. "Sorry hun, me and Steve were fixing the trunk." "It's ok" Johnny said quietly smiling shyly. Sodapop smiled back with his most Sodapop-ish smile ever. Johnny pushed the bag that was Next to him in front Sodapop.

"I though we could eat a treat. Soda sat down next to johnny and took the cigarettes from the corner of his mouth. Soda took a puff and said, "I'm so tuff" while winking, making Johnny laugh. Suddenly soda paused dramatically... Confusing Johnny. He then moved forward and started to tickle Johnny. Ending with a soft kiss on his for head.

Sodapop stoped again. He was now on top of johnny, a few inches away, pinning him onto the couch. For a moment soda look into Johnny's dark eyes. Johnny blushed as they stared into each others. Then soda closed the distance. He

Johnny's day was the happiest.

Johnny through the door wide open. He was completely soaked from the rain. "Soda why are you dating me." Soda was shocked at Johnny's question. "Soda why me? Your the most handsome guy here but you're with me. I feel- feel that it's out of pity." Johnny said Shaking and starting to tear up. "SODA WHY ME!" Johnny yelled falling two his knees and sobbing.

"Come here" Soda said smiling, "Johnny I do really care about you. I mean a lot."

I'm so sorry I don't even remember writing this. As you can tell it was never finished and because the latter plot can be seen under. I also decided to edit and post this for some reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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