Chapter 1

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"Hello": Nomal talk
"Hello": Thinking
"Hello": Mysterious talker
"Hello": Yelling/ Location
"Hello": New Persons name


Darkness that all there is. No light no life a place with no warmth. There was noting no one or something. But then a bright light appeared in the darkness as the light then dissappear and something else took its a place. A tall reptilian with a humanoid body structure with trex lik features and armor all over its body. It has black scales covering most of it body and it face is covered in grey metal, with one spike on its nose, two spikes behind its eyes, and spiky yellow hair on the back of its head and it eyes were yellow.

The shin guards, and spiked black shoulder pads it wears are held in place by thick, yellow cable-like ropes. And it also holds two large, black three-clawed gauntlets in its hands. And sheid that that have a symbol that looks like a sun. This figure is called a Digimon, a digital monster. The digimon is called BlackWarGerymon. A warrior that sacrifice himself to save the Digital world from a digimon of pure eveil.

 A warrior that sacrifice himself to save the Digital world from a digimon of pure eveil

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The digimon was floating in the darkness as it started to wake up. Its eyes open to only see the darkness around him as he turned his head to see if there anything else but still just darkness.

"What is this place? BlackWarGreymon then notice something."Wait how am I alive? Im supposed to be dead.
Then a mysterious voice spoke up. "Oh you are dead but not anymore" This caught BlackWarGreymon attention as he tired to find the source of the voice. "Whos there?! Show yourself!! As he contuine to try to find the the voice a portal opened up behide BlackWarGreymon. He saw it as he look at as a figure came out of it.

"I mean no harm." Said the voice as it came out of the portal. What came out of the portal was anoter digimon that had a humanoid body with a canine head it had green eyes, and two large, feathered, gold wings. And it was wereing a usekh coller around his neck. It had jeweled bands on its upper arms, and bracelets on its wrist. Its upper body is otherwise unadorned, revealing pale blue fur with dark blue patterns. The figure then walk towrads BlackWarGreymon as he bowed his head to him.

"My name is Anubismon, the judge of the dead." Said the digimon "I am he who decides whenter Digimon who been deleted goes to the afterlife or are reborn."


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