Young Love: Part 1

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The war has been going on for awhile now, the fire nation decided that they were the superior element. They've invaded the whole world. They've gathered all benders from the earth kingdom villages that they've taken control over. They took all the water Bender's from the southern water tribe. They attack the small and the weak. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

Hi my name is Astryd. I'm a servant in the castle. I was born in the fire nation, born into a servants life because that is what my parents lived. My father was a bender. A very powerful fire bender in the fire nation army. He didn't like what they were being ordered to do so he went against them. Thus making our whole family refugees in our own country. They were captured and I was born shortly after. We're not treated badly as far as servants go. Ozai wanted my father to spend every last waking moment serving the family he turned against. He usually spends his days with Iroh. Mother spends most of her time with the queen. My older brother was assigned too Irohs son, they are currently at war together. And I've been assigned to the prince and princess. Azula is a horrible person, she's always tormenting me and making fun of me for not being able to use my bending. They made sure if I was a bender that I never learned how to use it. They make me wear special bracelets that turns my bending off. Zuko is my only friend. He's different with me then he is with everyone. He's soft and caring. He says I'm like his mother a delicate flower. If anyone else said anything like that to me I'd punch them, it just comes from such a caring place deep in his heart when he tells me.

"Astryd wake up" I heard zuko whisper, shaking me from my sleep.

"What zuko?" I grumbled. "What time is it even."

"It's one in the morning." He told me.

I just looked at him in disgust. " why are you waking me up this early?" I growled at him and buried my face into my pillow.

"I know I'm still mastering my basics and I'm not the most ideal person to learn From, but I know you can bend, I've seen it in your eyes, you need to learn. If you don't start soon you'll lose your ability to do so" then he turned to leave.

I got up and followed zuko outside. " where are we going? " I whisperEd.

"My secret place where not even my father can find us" he lead me through the courtyards and out of the gates that housed the castle. Up too a rocky cliff. Zuko scaled it easily. He reached down and offered me his hand.

"Come on Astryd take my hand" I looked around behind me and turned back to him and grabbed his hand.

He hoisted me up very easily. I had no idea he was that strong. It made me blush a little. I'd never looked at my prince that way before. He was in his sleep pants shirtless. Even young he was nothing but muscle. I could see every muscle ripple as he lite the lanterns around the cave. I suddenly became aware that I too was in my silk sleeping outfit. Which was just shirts and a tank top. Zuko is about a Year or two older then me and I'd never looked at him that way before. But now it's all I can think about.

"Okay, first things first, gotta take those bracelets off" he walked over to me. Lord he's beautiful is all I could think. He reached for my hands and I blushed again and looked away so he wouldnt see. He gently untied the bracelets from my wrists.

"It's okay I promise" he told me and lifted me from my seated position. He held on to my hands. "Feel the fire within"

I closed my eyes and focused. I could feel my core begin to warm. To went out to ringtips and my toes. And crossed over to Zuko.

"What was that?" I asked him and jerked away afraid I'd hurt him.

"That was your chi. It fuels your bending. Yours in strong, despite being forced to be dormant your whole life" he looked surprised.

He spent the next few hours teaching me the level one basics that he learned as a small child. I picked it up quick.

"Your picking it up quick, a lot quicker then I did" he smiled lightly. "But I guess I should've expected that considering who your father is" he laughed a little. And it made me blush.

"Come on killer let's go home" he put out all the lanterns and hopped down. He put his arms out to catch me. "Jump" he whispered.

I jumped and he caught me. "Wow" I said as his arms wrapped around me.

"I got you. Always" he said as he sat me down. I blushed again. Thankfully it's dark. We got back to the castle and into my room.

"Astryd, put these back on" he tied my bracelets back on. "I'm sorry that you have to wear these. If it were up to me you wouldn't." He gave me a hug. "You are very important to me Astryd. I got you, always" he told me before he walked out of my room. I never knew zuko thought of me as important. I'm not sure why I was. But I laid down that night happier then I'd ever been in my entire life.

I got you, AlwaysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz