Chapter Five

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In the midst of my whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, I found myself on my feet, pacing across the room in disbelief. How could this information have eluded me for so long, and did the whole world know about this? I was flabbergasted that my friend Kay had discovered the truth just hours after I had researched Fabrico Zunino.

"Fabrico Zunino has a twin, girl. His name is Emiliano. And it's probably him you saw just now," Kay chimed in, her voice adding to my bewilderment.

I was utterly dumbfounded and at a loss for words. "Does the Pap know? Is it well-known news?" I managed to ask Kay.

"I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Why?" Kay replied.

"How come I didn't know that?" I questioned, still grappling with the shock.

With a mischievous grin, Kay playfully responded, "You're an introvert, Selene. You don't give two hoots about celebrities, and you're lactose intolerant."

I rolled my eyes at Kay's comment, which seemed entirely out of place in our current discussion. "Why did you have to say that last part? It doesn't fit in this discussion," I retorted.

Kay laughed, fully aware of her triumph, and remarked, "I know. I just wanted you to know that I know you so well."

"Whatever, Kay," I muttered, retaking my seat in an armchair. Maybe this explained why I couldn't spot Fabrico Zunino - he was in Las Vegas. Suddenly, Karen Garby didn't seem as unpleasant as before.

"They're not on good terms," Kay added casually.

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"Fabrico and Liano are not on good terms. They don't even really look alike," Kay explained, sighing.

I was beginning to lose track of how Kay knew all of this. "How do you know that?" I inquired.

"Instagram," she replied, matter-of-factly.

Rubbing my temples, I muttered, "So, you're following him on Instagram now?"

"Yeah. He's so darn handsome, Selene," Kay gushed.

I decided it was time to end the call. "I have to go now, Kay. Good night."

"What? Don't you dare hang-"

Click! I disconnected the call and dropped my phone on the bed. I lay back, my gaze fixed on the ceiling, processing the revelation that Fabrico Zunino had a twin. Perhaps the real Fabrico was just as cold-hearted as the media portrayed him to be.

My phone rang again, but I ignored it, knowing it was Kay trying to reach me.


My cab pulled up in front of a towering glass building, and I stepped out, paid the fare, and made my way to the entrance. It was finally Friday, the day I would meet the real Fabrico Zunino. As I entered RR Enterprise, I was awestruck by the sheer opulence of the place. The interior exuded class and elegance, like it had been renovated just yesterday.

Karen Garby appeared, and my face contorted into a deep scowl. Her dark curls were pulled back into a ponytail, and her gray suit and skirt perfectly matched the building's aesthetic.

"Good morning, Miss Brookes," she greeted me with a smile, extending her hand. "This way. Your investor awaits."

I followed Karen into a private elevator, and as the doors closed, I straightened my red suit and raised my head high. I needed to channel my inner high-powered, determined self - no room for the clumsy, silly Selene today.

I watched the numbers change as we ascended to different floors, and when the elevator chimed at the top floor, the doors opened to reveal another elegant setting. Flower pots adorned each corner, and a receptionist smiled at me as we approached.

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