Chapter Six

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"What?" I exclaimed, taken aback by his sudden shift in attention.

He gracefully took two steps backward, pivoting towards the recently opened door, effectively breaking the intense moment we'd been sharing. Karen, his personal assistant, walked in, a disquieted expression etched across her face. It was evident that she had witnessed the electric exchange of glances between her boss and me just moments before.

Karen, without much ado, extended a cup of coffee toward me, and I accepted it with grace, conveying my gratitude through a nod.

"Is there anything scheduled for today, Fabrico?" he inquired.

"Plenty," Karen replied, her voice laden with a sense of urgency. "You have that meeting with the real estate management from Singapore, and you've got a meeting with the event organizers. Also, there's a press announcement scheduled for this afternoon..."

Fabrico's voice cut her off abruptly. "Cancel them all," he ordered, leaving me nearly choking on my coffee. Karen shook her head in disagreement, her resistance palpable.

"I can't," she replied, her tone firm. "You have to be present at those meetings, especially the press..."

"Did you not hear what I said?" Fabrico's impatience was evident, and a silence descended upon the room, so profound that you could hear a pin drop.

Karen finally capitulated, her voice bearing a tinge of annoyance as she reluctantly agreed to his request, retreating from the room with an air of frustration.

Fabrico turned to me, his gaze now softened. "How about we have dinner?"


The ambiance of the upscale restaurant enveloped us as the waiter placed a sumptuous plate of Thyme and pepper-crusted beef with horseradish crème in front of Fabrico and a plate of Roasted pork with apricot and grape stuffing before me.

Seated across from Fabrico Zunino, I couldn't help but marvel at the glamorous patrons surrounding us, even though I was the one who stood out in my striking red suit and pants. Instead of feeling intimidated, I was emboldened by the opulent surroundings and my companion's undeniable wealth.

As Fabrico took the first bite of his beef, he probed, "You seem to know quite a bit about me, but I know very little about you."

My lips curved into a knowing smile. "All I know is what's in the public eye."

Fabrico studied me for a moment before shifting his attention to his plate. "And what does the public eye know about you?"

"Practically nothing," I admitted.

Setting down his fork after savoring the succulent beef, Fabrico gently wiped his mouth with a napkin. "So, you not only conceal your appearance but also your emotions and lifestyle?"

I was apprehensive about delving into such personal territory with him. His piercing gaze seemed to scrutinize my very soul, making me feel like a sinner in a confessional.

"Your pork is delicious," I deflected, offering a compliment. Fabrico chuckled, maintaining his unwavering focus on me.

"Please, don't change the subject," he implored. "I sense there's more to you than meets the eye."

My appetite waned, and I dropped my fork, no longer able to enjoy the meal. Fabrico's probing questions were making me increasingly uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, but I don't dress like the models and actresses you're accustomed to," I pointed out, frustration seeping into my words.

Fabrico's expression remained composed. "I didn't mean to insult your attire," he replied. "You have a great physique."

His blunt comments left me flustered, and I crossed my legs in discomfort. Fabrico's lack of a filter only exacerbated the situation.

"I'd rather not discuss this," I stated, attempting to halt the uncomfortable conversation.

Fabrico's charming smile didn't waver as he continued to fixate on me. "I speak only the truth," he affirmed.

Surveying the restaurant around us, I mustered a wry smile. "Are you trying to make advances on me?" I asked, hoping to divert the conversation.

Fabrico placed his hands on the table, maintaining his unwavering gaze. "Would that be so terrible?"

My cheeks flushed, and I averted my eyes. This couldn't be happening. Fabrico couldn't be making advances. It would fulfill Kay's fantasies but potentially jeopardize my career.

"Yes, it would," I stammered.

"Why?" Fabrico pressed.

"Look at you and look at me," I sighed in exasperation. Fabrico appeared puzzled.

"I don't see any issue," he insisted.

"I don't want a relationship," I declared. "I'm content with my independence, and I cherish my job. Love and family have brought me nothing but heartache."

Fabrico remained silent, absorbing my heartfelt confession. I had bared my soul to a virtual stranger. Perhaps it was time to leave. First, I'd embarrassed myself in front of Emiliano, and now, I'd divulged the intimate details of my life to Fabrico, two brothers in a span of a day.

"I knew you were harboring secrets, Selene," he finally said, his tone calm and understanding.

"I have nothing to hide," I retorted, my guard back up.

"You've been hurt in the past," Fabrico remarked, as if challenging me to deny it. "I can empathize."

"Sorry about your fiancée," I offered, acknowledging his pain.

He responded with a small, appreciative smile. "I see you've done your homework."

I blushed, feeling embarrassed about being caught. "It's... it's public knowledge," I lamely explained.

Fabrico raised his hands in a conciliatory gesture. "I don't hold it against you, Selene. The media delves too deep into my life as well."

I probed further, mentioning his twin, but Fabrico's expression shifted, revealing a topic he'd rather not discuss. I respected his boundaries and kept quiet.

"I don't want love either," I admitted.

Fabrico chuckled. "What?"

"We don't have to love each other," he proposed, his voice laced with a hint of desire, "but we can satisfy our cravings."

I stared at him, perplexed and captivated. "I never said I craved you."

"It's written all over your face, Selene," he observed. "I have a knack for reading people."

"Regardless," I pushed my plate aside, "I'm here for business, and I can't jeopardize my job."

"You won't lose your job," he assured me.

"You're my company's investor. It's inappropriate for me to have an affair with you," I pointed out.

"No one needs to know," Fabrico murmured, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "We can meet whenever you're in town, or when I visit Seattle for business."

I whispered, "This is insane. Why would you want me? You can have any model in Miami. Why me?"

"I don't want just any model," he emphasized. "I want you. I've felt an attraction to you."

"I told you, I don't want love," I reiterated.

"It's just about desire, Selene," he declared, leaving me gasping at his audacity. He couldn't make such comments in public. But the idea was thrilling, daring, and I found myself staring at Fabrico. What did he have to offer? And what do I have to loose? Ok, lots but this life is short.

"I don't want my life in the public eye," I murmured.

"I understand, and I'll make sure it stays private," Fabrico assured. Oh shit. I can't believe I'm saying yes to this.

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