Just For a Day

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Sakiyama Youji stood in waiting, leaning against the railings in front of his apartment unit that very much reminded him of the railings at the rooftop of Komanami High. He shifted awkwardly, uncomfortably, nervously, as his fingers danced about the cold metal of the balcony.

He was anxious - so much so that he merely stared at his room's ceiling last night for a whole night that felt like a minute. Dawn had already pierced through the horizon when he came to.

And there was but one reason that kept him awake the whole night, wondering and worrying over this and that and everything he was expecting to happen the next day - which was today.

The root cause of his distress? He was waiting for this person right now to pick him up.

'What am I getting so worked up for?', he asked himself, noticing that the sky had become so obscured with clouds - as if sympathizing with his distress, but it only proved to worsen his thoughts as he hoped it would not rain. He saw a large figure walking down the road. "Ah, Shironuma is here..."

The raven-haired man scrambled downstairs to meet him. Tetsuo seemed surprised to see him, but that look was immediately masked by his ever-aloof expression. "You're here... Let's go." Without waiting for him to follow, the blond began to walk towards the direction he came from.

Youji jogged up to walk beside the blond man, awkwardly placing his hands in his pockets. They spent their walk in silence, with Youji thinking of what to say the whole time. He never was a good conversationalist - he didn't even know what it meant to have a best friend. But somehow, he felt that he had to be the first to strike up a conversation, since Tetsuo was far more aloof than he already was.

The only problem was that there was nothing to speak about.

Soon enough, they reached the train station. Youji found himself barely able to keep up with the broad back before him with the hustle and bustle of the afternoon rush hour in the station, and he had to clutch onto Shironuma's shirt to keep from getting lost. This place was seriously not good for his health. Nevertheless, he only hoped that the train would arrive soon.

"Sakiyama... is your health alright?" Shironuma asked, once they finally rode the train. It was a relief to Youji, both because he finally had the breathing space he direly needed and because the tension in the air around them had faded with Tetsuo's words.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just need to rest for a bit." he replied, sighing in relief. Tetsuo was standing in front of him, who sat on the only empty seat left. "Tell me if you're tired, and we can switch."

"No need." the blond replied.

The next stations went by before they knew it, and with them came more passengers until the train was filled to the brim. Youji now stood with Tetsuo, since he made way for a disabled person to take his seat. Nevertheless, Tetsuo led him to a corner of the train near the door and shielded him there. Their closeness made his heart beat loudly as they endured the remaining minutes until their station arrived.

"...Sorry. Bear with it for a while."

Youji averted his eyes in utter embarrassment. "I know..."

Finally, their station arrived and the two burst out from the door. They rested on a bench near the ocean park, which was their main destination. Tetsuo stood up, and silently pointed at the takoyaki stall nearby.

It reminded Youji of a similar time back then, at the old building's rooftop. "Don't want any." he said, exactly as he used to. However, there was one distinct difference between then and now: the distrust he felt towards Tetsuo was now non-existent.

Tetsuo left to go buy at the said stall, probably for himself. Youji took this ephemeral moment without the other to think. And he came up with a conclusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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