CHAPTER 1- New years and New child

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Author's note:
Hi guys, so this is still in progress. This story will have a long time till I apologize for that. And I hope you'll like it. don't forget to vote and to comment.
3rd POV

It was 31 December, every people in Magnolia gather in the park, where lies the biggest rainbow sakura tree. Every one in wait for the countdown, but unfortunately the lovely married couple, Natsu and Lucy, was in a hospital to for their newborn baby, who is being clean. The baby is a baby girl, just like Lucy want. Natsu couldn't be happier for Lucy now him and Lucy has started a new family. When the baby was return the both of them knew exactly what to name them. They name her Nashi, it was the combination of Natsu and Lucy.

"She is very beautiful, Luce. Just like you." Compliment his wife, and his new born baby girl.

"And she looks very strong, just like her father." she added "Um, Natsu, can you hear the countdown from outside?"

"Yes, I can. I guess that this year is about to end."

"10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!" the crowd cheered

"happy new year, Luce." he kissed Lucy "happy new year to you to, My little angel." then he kissed his daughter's forehead.

"And happy new year to you, Natsu" vLucy whispered and smile to her loving husband.

*at the Magnolia park*

people there were very cheerful, and happy. they were all dancing, singing and laughing. Gray and Juvia were in the forest near the the park, having a private picnic.They were talking about what they wanted to do in the new year, and what they wish for and hope for, under those beautiful star.

Gajeel and Levy were under a tree, reading books. Levy was reading one of her favorite book out loud for Gajeel. She knows how Gajeel hates reading, but no matter what she still love him. While Levy was reading, Gajeel was not really listening, he was staring at the stars above him, it was very beautiful and amazing.

And lastly, Jellal and Erza were looking at the stars above. At that night Jellal was apologizing to Erza for what he had done to her in the tower of heaven. And all Erza can do is to accept that apology.

The three couples were looking at the beautiful stars in the sky. When they heard the crowd yelling 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' the three men knew exactly what to do. They kissed the women they love. And of course Mira was there to. She was taking pictures of the three couples kissing, with the help of Lisanna and Cana.

When the party was over they all visited Lucy and Natsu in the hospital. They all congratulate Natsu and Lucy with their baby, and they were happy for them. Even Lisanna.

"Aw... she has Lucy's eyes." Mira squealed

"You're right, she does have Lucy-san's eyes. Juvia thinks that the baby is very cute." Juvia complimented the baby.

"What did you guys name her?" Mria can't wait to know her name.

"We named her, Nashi." Lucy replied.

"I wish Lucy-san could come to the party just now, it was tons of fun." wendy said softly.

"Well, I wish I could come but what can I do the baby was coming." Lucy replied with a smile "You know Wendy, there is always next year."

"Yeah, you're right." wendy smile back.

"Guys, I think we should go home, so Lucy can rest." Erza told the others.

Lucy POV

"Guys, I think we should go home, so Lucy can rest." Erza told the others,everyone nodded.

They said goodbye and walk out the door. Natsu laid down on the couch and was about to sleep when I told home to sleep beside me, because I know the couch was small and hard. I don't want to see my husband to walk a old man, he is still 25. He gave me his signature grinned and lay down and put his muscular arms around my waist.

'This is the best day ever!!!' I thought as I fell asleep.

Natsu POV

This is the best day of my life. It is new years, my baby girl was born, and both of my beautiful angels is safe and sound, and I will protect them with my life.

"Good night Luce. I love you, sweet heart,"
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