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Castiel sat by himself. He was going to go back. To the Winchesters. To Dean. He had left to keep them safe from the angels trying to hunt him down. He had done something again. This time, it was unforgivable. He broke Lucifer’s cage. His older brothers were free. No no no. He had to go back to the Winchesters. “I’m going back.” He said out loud.

“It’s a little late for that.” Said a voice. Cas looked up startled. It was Dean. In a dark suit and tie. “I have to say, I’m impressed with you, Castiel.” He said. He had an archangel’s blade in his hand and was twirling it slowly.

“Michael?” Cas asked scared.

Michael grinned. “Hello again, Castiel.” He ran his finger over the back of Dean’s hand. “It’s too bad,” Michael said throwing Cas an evil grin. “He was in love with you.”

Cas’s heart sank in his chest. “He- He loves me?” He asked out loud.

“What’s the matter, Castiel? You didn’t know? It’s like a fucking soap opera in here.” Michael said unamused.

“You will lose!” Cas growled defiantly. “Dean will realise he was wrong and take control!” Cas exclaimed.

Michael shot Cas an upset look. Suddenly his huge black Wings spread out a shadow behind him on the wall. He spread his arms. “Look at me! I am the most powerful  being in the universe!” He yelled. He shot forward and grabbed Cas by the neck, slamming him against the wall. “You think a dire thing like love will win? The same thing won’t happen with Sam and Lucifer. Not this time.”

“He is strong! You’ve been witness to that!” Cas yelled.

Michael dropped him and he slid to the floor. “You’ve been with the humans too long, Castiel. You know how weak they are.” Michael said turning and walking across the room. “I know everything in his tiny insignificant brain. Every moment you two shared that he locked away. Every touch he tried to forget.”

“Stop it.”

“Every time you let him down that he just can’t quite  let go of.”

'“STOP IT!” Cas yelled.

“He is weak, Castiel. Poison and you know it. How does it feel? Knowing you were his demise?” Michael asked.

“Lucifer is gone.” Cas said. “What’s the point in all of this?”

Michael crossed his arms. “You don’t know anything, do you?” He asked. He spread Dean’s arms. “I Have my true vessel! i can finally do what I was created to do!”

“You’re insane!” Cas hissed

“I’m not insane, Castiel, I’m a strategist. Now,” He gripped his archangel’s blade “Any last words?” He asked crouching to Cas’s level.

Cas looked down. Pain blossomed inside him. Michael took Dean. He took the man Cas loved. Cas looked up at his brother. His brother inside his human. “Bite me.” He growled.

Michael lashed out and punched Cas as hard as he could in the face. And he could punch hard. Cas rubbed his chin. “I take it back. You are not impressive in the least.” Michael said rubbing his fist. Cas said nothing. He looked down and let Michael’s words sink in. “Fight me, Castiel! Have you given up?! Don’t want to hurt your precious human?” Michael asked. His tone dropped to a harsh hiss. “You loved him  too much. And now you can’t let him go.” Michael sat straight up. “Because I am the righteous, I will make it quick.”

Cas stared down at the ground. What he was planning had to work. “Dean.” He said. He directed the name not to Michael, but to dean himself.  “I know you’re in there.” Michael didn't flinch. “And I know I’ve let you down.” Michael’s eye twitched He tried to hide it, but Cas saw. “Please, forgive me.” Michael flinched and punched Cas again. He gripped Cas’s collar and pulled him towards Dean’s body. Michael gripped his blade and pulled it close to Cas’s neck.

“Dean, please.” Cas said quietly. “I love you.”

Michael’s eyes widened. He dropped Cas and stepped back. “No!” He growled. “This can’t be happening!” Dean was remembering all the times he and Cas had shared. All the times he felt something towards the angel. “NO!” Michael yelled clutching his chest. He threw his hands on top of his head. “I DON’T UNDERSTAND!” The archangel yelled. Inside his head, Michel could hear Dean.  It’s because you uncaring sons of bitches don’t have what we have. “No! I am stronger than Lucifer! You can’t kill me!” Michael yelped. We have family.  And that’s what will always make us better than you. Michael growled and raised his blade. Fear struck Cas like a chilled sword. Michael swung the blade down. Cas waited for the pain to enter his body. instead he heard a scream of pain. Michael gripped the blade implanted in Dean’s stomach. His eyes and the inside of his mouth began to glow. “AHHHHHH!” Michael screamed. There was a huge BOOM and Dean’s body fell forward. Cas caught him.

“Dean?” He asked, voice cracking. He turned the hunter over and let out a throaty cry. Dean’s eyes were burned out. “Dean?” He asked more frantically, sinking to the floor, cradling Dean in his arms. He pressed his hand to Dean’s chest and shocked electricity through him. “Come on, Dean please!” He yelped, tears filling his eyes.Dean wasn’t coming back. Cas gave up and held the hunter close. “Why did you do it?” He whispered. “Why?” He cried. He held Dean closer.

Holding him, he imagined Dean’s heartbeat. He imagined Dean holding him back. He imagined Dean saying; “Hey, Cas. What’s up?” He imagine the heat staying in Dean’s body rather than fading out. He imagined Dean’s blood of of his trench coat. He imagined happiness. “Cas?” He could hear Dean’s voice in his head. “Cas?” He heard again. He heard Dean coughing.

“Dean?” He said looking down. Light green eyes stared into his brilliant blue ones. He pulled dean closer to him “Dean! You’re alive!” He yelled.

The hunter grinned softly. “Yeah, I’m alright Cas. I’m alright because of you.” Dean said.  He looked at Cas seriously. “Cas I need to tell you-”

“I know, Dean. I know.” cas said softly. Dean wrapped his arms around Cas.

“I love you, Cas.” He whispered.

“I love you too, Dean. I’m sorry for everything.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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