The ancient Language (oldest of them all)

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i will place these words into the language- seeing as i have no alphabet for it and you cannot teach yourself- but you can remember phrases and words.

heer wankap twids nahskee lacho- seyahtznah lachonit ah ounahk tempahou- benouyehnah reliphad.

if you have a sentence request or just one word- please feel free to ask- and if u need it pronounced, just ask about that too!

intou ahn secquin on honunklach- phanahlt ausk- ah intou wildes prolocho, auskbinzork!

a common phrase would be 'I love you.' that would be said as 'liffiltou' or to break it up 'ihlt liffin ou.' that would be the exact words- but far more advanced into the language, you would basically be saying 'love I you.'

Yes - ees
Maybe - nesk
No - Nik

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