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- Note that this is a review based on only the free chapters of 'Alpha Kane' by Amina Adamou on AnyStories. I haven't read the entire book and I don't have too much experience reviewing books.

I was asked to review this book by an editor @1987janettazaxas here on wattpad. Understand this is a paid book and I only read the free chapters. If you find this review helpful or makes you curious then feel free to download AnyStories and read 'Alpha Kane' in it's entirety. This is entirely my opinion and honest review. Also there will be Spoilers! for the first few chapters so be warned!

Review - 

Story starts with a Miss Ember Yale, a young female omega in high school. In the beginning she is cautious, awkward and easily flustered; like a stereotype omega in most werewolf stories. At the start Ember literally runs into Alpha Kane and like any omega in the werewolf genre she is flustered and doesn't know what to do. I do appreciate the use of vocabulary which helps paint the picture of the school halls and her inner thoughts. As expected, Ember is rejected by Kane as his mate because he "Doesn't want a pathetic omega" as a mate. Personally, I've read too many werewolf books were omegas are seen as inferior and useless compared to other other pack members, so I find this trope boring after so many books have used it, but nothing against those who use it or who like reading it. For me it's just how its executed and I prefer when there's a little more to it but again I only read the free chapters and it could be explained in the later chapters I didn't read.

So after being rejected by her mate, which normally results in death or extreme pain for those involved, Ember uses her hurt, anger and humiliation to help ground herself. We are then introduced to her college life, where she is forced to face her past rejection and I can't help but feel there were quite a few Twilight moments up until chapter 4, but thankfully the book got back on its own tracks. As expected too, during college Ember can't fully escape her mate even though he rejected her, he still doesn't want her talking to anyone else, which anyone  would find irritating. 

I like that there are more than just werewolves and humans in this book, because normally its only werewolves and humans, sometimes vampires; which makes this a nice change since not many books go more than two or three supernatural creatures. In the chapters I was able to read you get introduced to Embers only friends, a faery named Aster and a werewolf named Ian.

There are times where grammar and punctuation can be adjusted a little but there was nothing I wasn't able to bare or was so bad I'd stop reading then and there. Though there were lots of 'Rule of three' in this book that I feel could be toned down a little but that could just be me. Like every artist, whether its drawing, writing or any other art form, everyone has a style, and the writing style of this book paired with the story personally isn't my cup of tea as a whole. For me this book has it's ups and downs but nothing terrible but also nothing great or attention grabbing for me personally. Like any book it depends on the person so while its a so so for me, for someone else it could be an 11/10. 

And honestly the only thing that bothered me was the quick transition from high school to college. I feel at the start of the chapter where she is now in college, it would of been best to put a time frame of '1 year later' or how ever long it has been, so readers know right away instead of being confused. That or give the readers a few more chapters so we can get to know the main characters more and their families to add some time between high school and college, so the readers create a stronger bond between themselves and the characters.

Like I said above, this story for me is not bad but it's nothing great either. It's similar to a lot of other werewolf mate rejection stories I've read before and the writing style is just something I can't fully grab onto. But I'll give credit to where the names of the characters are easy to remember and it's nice that the setting changes from a high school setting to college, even though it was too quick for my taste.

As I haven't read the whole book I can't give a full review but from what I experienced it wasn't terrible and for whoever is interested or curious I would suggest giving this book a try and see where it takes you. Seems like a good start into the paranormal, supernatural, fantasy and werewolf genre's with some romance thrown into the mix.

Remember this is a paid story and is exclusive to the AnyStories App. I've only read the first few chapters which were free to read, and while it isn't my personal cup of tea, the book seems to be a good read for anyone who's tastes fit with this book and I'd recommend giving it a read because you never know. 

Thanks to @1987janettazaxas for asking me to review this book and it might be a bit chunky since I don't give many reviews often.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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