Scariest thing challenge

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So I was nominated by _Will_Solace_

*glares at Will*

Here goes nothing...

1. Scariest real life experience

Probably when I was 9 years old and my friends and I were playing football and the ball went inside the window on the second floor of the house that was near . So me and a friend went to get the ball but the owners we aren't there, so we did the most logical thing a 9 year old would do... We snuck in the house to retrieve our ball. We went through an open window and went up stairs and retrieved the ball , but when we were about to sneak back out the family's crazy dog chased us up the stairs barking and trying to bite our butts off into a room on the third floor (it was a huge house). We couldn't go out of the room since the stupid mutt was still there banging it's head trying to break the door and barking like hell so my friend suggested climbing out the window and walking on the tiny aisle to get to the balcony and run out through the back stairs .Before I could protest he was already on the balcony since I didn't want to end up caught alone I followed . I took 3 steps before I slipped and found myself holding on to the aisle for dear life with nothing but a rose bush to pillow my fall more than 10 feet below. Long story short the house owners , they came got me down, they called my parents , my parents came, and I got grounded for a month once I explained what happened. Well not everyone met Hannible Lecter as their most horrifying life experience . (Sorry this was long)

2. Scariest paranormal life experience

None I can recall

3. Do you know anyone who has done a horrible crime?

Do fictional characters count?

4. Are you afraid of the dark?

It was my biggest childhood fear but when I got older I realised I was more afraid of bieng paralysed by fear if a monster actually came out of the dark and tried to kill me then a monster coming out the dark.

5. Any scary myths surrounding your town

I lived in over 5 cities I don't know any myths about them

6. Favourite urban legend

I read alot of creepy pasta but I'm going to go with the Russian sleep experiment

Since that's over I nominate :





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