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Amity wasn't sure what this "Pride" thing Luz was talking about was, but seeing her happy made her happy, so she didn't mind. The human packed her bag, rushing around to grab anything she might need.
"Phone charger? Check. Phone? Check. Money? Check." She listed aloud. She looked to Amity, smiling, "Amity Blight? Check."
This made Amity giggle as she watched the human sling the bag over her shoulder so it rested on her hip.
"Where exactly are we going?" Amity questioned, looking at Luz quizzically.
"The human realm," she replied simply.
Amity jumped, "The human realm?"
Luz nodded excitedly, "I'll explain once we get there. We'll be back tonight, I promise." Luz extended her hand to the witch, "Ready to go?"
Amity took it hesitantly, "Ready as I'll ever be..."
And with that, Luz pulled Amity along to Eda's door to the human realm.
Luz wasn't sure how this would go. Had anything happened back on earth to make these kinds of parades dangerous? She hoped not. She wanted Amity's first earth experience to be a good one. She was determined to make it a good one.
The duo stepped out of the doorway, still hand in hand. Once Luz realized this, she quickly let go, no matter how badly she wanted to cling to the girl.
"Welcome to the human realm!" She exclaimed, watching Amity stare in awe at the sights.
"I personally think The Isles are cooler, but to each their own I guess," Luz shrugged, fidgeting with the chains on her bag.
"Really?! What's not to love about the earth?" Amity asked.
"Well.. some of the people can be... not so nice sometimes."
Amity cocked her head to the side clearly confused, "But you're nice."
Luz blushed, "I suppose I am, but some other humans... not so much."
"Huh." Amity hummed simply, "So, what are we doing?"
"Oh right!" Luz exclaimed, "So, here on earth it's the month of June!" She started walking, Amity at her side.
"What's so important about this... Joone," Amity tried to pronounce the month, making Luz laugh.
"It's pronounced June, and it's pride month!"
"Pride... month...?"
"Yeah! It's a whole month celebrating people who are apart of the LGBTQ+ community!"
"Luz, I have no clue what you're talking about"
Luz laughed, "You will soon! C'mon!" Luz grabbed Amity's hand and the two began to run to a nearby park. The closer they got, the more humans they could hear talking. Bright colored flags waved in the wind, entrancing Amity. Soon enough the two made it to the park; the main event.
"Where are we?" Amity asked, holding onto Luz's arm subconsciously.
"This is a park, you have a few on The Isles, but they don't look like this," Luz briefly explained while walking, letting Amity grip her arm. "More specifically, this is like... a party!"
Amity shrunk back a little bit, "Like Grom?"
"No! Not at all! There's food and drinks and flags and some really cool people! Nothing to be afraid of," Luz quickly explained.
Amity let out a sigh, letting her body relax again, "It sounds... nice."
"It is! Now come on!" The two began walking again, "Oh! Before I forget to mention it, try not to do magic here unless we absolutely need to. Magic isn't really a thing that normal humans can do, so it might freak some people out, alright?"
Amity sighed, "Alright, fine."
"Good. Now come on! Let's go have fun!"
The two wandered around the park, eating the rainbow-themed treats from vendors scattered around. Amity pointed to various flags, wanting to know the meaning of each one. The black, grey, white, and purple one was the asexual flag, the one that was pink, yellow, and blue was the pansexual flag. They got to the point where Amity had asked about every pride flag she saw. All except one. One that looked like a sunset. An array of oranges sat on top with a white stripe separating it from the pinks on the bottom, it looked beautiful.
She tapped luz on her shoulder, eagerly pointing to the flag, "What one is that?"
"That's the lesbian flag!"
"Yeah! It means you only like girls!"
Amity froze. That sounded... right, "Lesbian." She repeated, Luz confirming with a nod. "That's me." She mumbled.
"Huh?" Luz tilted her head towards the girl.
"That's me," She repeated, "I'm a lesbian."
Luz looked at her shocked, but excited, practically beaming, "Amity that's awesome!"
Amity looked up into Luz's eyes, "Really? This is... okay?"
Luz set down the bottle of water she was holding and took Amity's hands in hers, "Amity, of course, it is!" At this point, Amity was almost in tears. There weren't really any labels for anything sexuality wise on The Isles, having something to add onto her identity felt... Amazing.
"Thank you, Luz," Amity smiled, wiping her tears away with the back of one of her hands, letting Luz keep the other in hers.
"Of course, Amity," Luz smiled gently.
The two sat in silence for a while. Amity examined the bag that sat on Luz's lap, right where their hands were held. Another question popped into Amity's head. Yet again, she turned to Luz.
"What flag is that one?" She pointed to the bag, "The one you have on your bag?"
"Bisexual! It means being attracted to two or more genders! For me, it's men and women!" Luz explained happily, moving so she could see the patch clearly.
"That's cool!" Amity met Luz's eyes again, smiling at her.
She nodded, "Yeah, it is!"
The two got up again and began to walk around, going to different shops with different shirts decorated with flags and various phrases. The two eventually reached a vendor selling pride flags.
Luz noticed Amity staring at the lesbian flag, "Do you want one?"
"Do you want a pride flag?" She repeated.
"I don't know... you know how my parents are-"
"I could keep it at The Owl House until it's safe?"
Amity laughed at Luz's persistence to get her one, "Okay, okay, are you sure?"
"Absolutely, I was gonna get myself a bi flag anyways."
A short time later, a lesbian and bisexual pride flag rested in Luz's hands. She walked around Amity and draped it around her shoulders. She then turned Amity around to face her, watching as she held the rings at the side of the flag so it wouldn't fall off. Luz draped the bi flag over her shoulders too, doing the same.
"So..." Luz trailed off, "How does it feel?"
Amity looked behind her at the flag, "Good, nice," Amity responded, looking to Luz, taking her hand, "Right."
Luz interlaced their fingers and leaned in to kiss Amity on her forehead, "Good." Amity giggled at the human's sudden affection towards her but definitely didn't complain.
Soon enough, the day wound down, people began to leave the park, and eventually, Amity and Luz began walking back to the portal hand in hand, neither of them daring to let go of the other.
"Did you have a nice day?" Luz asked, anxious to hear Amity's answer.
"Yeah," Amity said quietly, "I really did."
"Good," Luz smiled. Amity yawned, "Now let's get you back to The Boiling Isles."
And with that, the two girls made their way back home exhausted but excited for next year's pride month to roll around.

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