Random words of Kindness

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"What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Kindness is something which cannot ever go out of style. In this era of uncertainities,worries,and stigmas,let kindness speak louder than words.
Being kind doesn't only means to do something for another person,but being kind can help yourself too.
We often judge people,without even knowing their stories and their struggles.
We speak harshly to them without even realising that we are hurting them.Being kind isn't just a act,but it comes even with your words.
Speak to people kindly,help them if they need.Your one word of kindness can help them to beat their struggles,moreover it may help them to achieve their goals.
Life is too short for being harsh and cruel. Speak kindly,choose your words kindly. You don't know what's the impact of your words in their life.
Many people throughout the world suffer from being bullied,social phobias,depression and other mental illnessess just beacuse of the traumatic experience they feel through the harsh words from others.
Practice being kind,Your small act can brighten up their day,
Your kind words can make them smile.
Practice gratitude,Make your life worthwhile for others.
Leave a positive impact wherever you go,Kindness matters.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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