The first

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I've never been pregnant before. But after the first session. with a very kind man named Brody, the nurse im working with, Mrs. Lane. Says its a postive. Im excited!
Though, i know im not going to be keeping the child. Im excited that i get to help those who cant have kids!
Now. Its around dinner. I havent felt anything differemt. I sit in my house on my phone, when i hear my belly growl. I stand up and walk to the frige. Putting my hand on the handle when i negan to feel a stramge swirling feeling in my stomach.
Looking down, i heard my stomach growl again. The swirling begining to make loud slosh noises in my belly.
I sighed, must be because im hungry! I then ordered a large pizzia. And once it got here, i opened the box.
The swirling bad gotten more and more loud. As if a waterfall was in him belly.
As i looked at the pizzia, i immediately felt ravenous. Grabbing peices and shoving it in my mouth danitly.
Engulfing each slice with full content.
Only five minutes later, i had finished the entire pizzia by myself. With a whopping 12 large slices, i was surprised! I had never eaten that much before......
I sighed heavily, and with my now slightly boated stomach. I walked into the bedroom.
Taking off my dress. In spandex and my bra, i looked down at my belly. Seeing its now round and veiny phsyic. I walked to the bed and laid down. Immediately falling asleep.

Next Morning

I woke up at about six am for school. I was in university for music! I sat up. And immediately felt different. Something wss in my lap, but i didnt know what would be!
I then stood up, my eyes widening as i grabbed onto the wall. I felt like i was being pushed down to the floor. Sighing and assuming i was still bloated from my episode the night before, so i grabbed my outfit and walked into the bathroom. I then moved to put my dress on. Looking down, i noticed.
My boobs were around two times bigger than the night before. My bra only holding a section of my breast, the rest of it popped out harahly.
Of course. that was my biggest bra. But, i mean. I wasnt upset about it. Though now, i would have to figure out if a double E was an actaul bra size.
I assumed this was just because of my new pregnacy, though i didnt suspect it would be this fast. Shrugging it off. I scooped up my boobs with my arm and pushed them inwards so i could see my legs and put my dress on.
But i coudnt see my legs. Or my feet.

What i saw was my stomach. At least 12 inches wider, and 15 inches outwards. I gasped. I wss huge! I shook my head, it couldn't have been this fast couldve!?
So i called Mrs. Lane.
And she said that later. She would come and visit, but for now just go on as everything was normal.

Sighing. I then put on my dress. Thankfully having shorts on because, my dress. witch was normally to my knees. Was just a shirt. Just barley touching the top of my thighs.
I put on mh shoes and quickly made a breakfeast sandwitch.
And then another
and then another
And another.
And, that went on for 40 minutes. I ended up eating 25 of them. And was still hungry afterwards! But i had to hit the subway for school. So i grabbed my bag, headphones, and at least a dozen bag of chips. I packed up a few sandwitches and began to walk to the subway. As i did, i ate a sandwitch, going through them like candy. But thankfully i had a new unlimited supplu of food thanks to the company, as i was holding the kids.
I noitced that the small heels on my shoe, at most two inches. Were really hard to walk in, i noted that i should change my shoes when i got home.
But, as i was focusing on the hardness of my shoes, i noticed the loud thump i made while i walked.
And, it made me insecure, but at least it wss obivous i was heavier for a reason. A good one!
So i delt woth it. I walked down the subway stairs. My belly swaying back and fourth, and my breast hitting together. I couldn't see the steps due to my three big bumps. But tbankfully i walked the stairs enough to not fall down them.
And as i walked to the ticket scanner, i noticed that the two bars of metal i would walk through. Were a tad close together.
But i took the chance. scanning my ticket i then walked into the bars, but i i couldn't fit. My belly wss to wide!
I sighed. Thinking quickly, i scooped up my belly in my arms, lifting up my belly. Shoving my boobs agaisnt my face. I walked through the gap.
My belly was heavy, really heavy. So i immediately moved my arms away. Causing my belly to shoot down. Bouncing up and down agaisnt my torso for a few seconds. It let out a loud groan. and i began to feel sn eruption of movement in my belly. It felt like 20 pistons in my belly shooting out on me.
It felt.......oddly nice. But people noticed, as marks on my belly would show it morphing and rippling due to the moving. But i had to walk onto the subway. Walking on. I negan to eat another samdwitch. Feeling a big spark of hunger, in about 30 seconds. I ate three whole sandwitches. My belly then let out s loud hungry grunt.
People looked at me.

Turning red i looked away, preteding it wasnt me. The kicking then got harder. Begining to cause my boobs to bounce up and down. I then looked down, notcing two large wet spots over my nipples. Panicking internally, i took out the napkins from my current samdwitch. Shoving them as discreetly as possinle into my shirt. Sighing i took my headphones off, placing them atop of my belly. And thankfully, the kicking slowly calmed down.
Sighing in relief, i devoured another samdwitch. Getting off the subway, i walked up the stairs to universtey. It wss, really hard to get up them.
But i got through it.

I then walked into the building. Nombing on a samdwitch once again.
I walked up to my first class, sitting down. My chair to fsr from my desk as to not crush the babies i could now obivously feel in my belly. So i ended up using my belly as a table. Havung to remove my headphones from it. Every time i placed my pencil down om the psper on the book that was resting atop of my belly. I would feel a harsh jerk on my naval. But i stayed quiet.
Every so minute. Id take out a sandwitch. Putting it in my mouth and swallowing it peice ny peice.
As i did so, i negan to feel my belly expand. i hadnt thought of the fact that, pregnsnt or not, eating a lot still makes you gain weight.
My belly expanded, and now was 19 inches off my torso. My belly had already been ever so slightly resting past my knees, now. It was almost hanging.
I decided that for the day. I needed go go home.
So i packed up my bag agyer clsss and stood up. Or, tried.
I felt as if s gisnt bolder was on top of me. But i stood up.
My belly hanging heavily, it began to slosh and get loud. Very loud. Causing me to ne exteremly uncomfortable.
As i walked out the building, my belly swayed loudly. It bounced and kicked. Kicky so much my boobs were hitting up and down. My face and then my abdoman, i felt my boobs hit.
Seeomg yhem begin to soak the top of my dres, i didnt even bother.
I walked onto the subway and pulled out a sandwitch, shoving it in my mouth.
I tried to put my headphones over my belly, but they didnt fit. So as i got off on my block. I was forced to deal with the harsh movement of my belly.
Even standing still. my belly would sway and bounce due to the movement. The milk soaking my breast was running down my legs. So i walked up to the stiars and walked inside my home.
Seeing Mrs. Land at my table.

"Oh my dear" She said as she looked tworads me.
She immediately came over. Helping me take off my dress and put it in the washer.
She then sat ne down. Thankfully, i had trusted her, as she was a close friend of mine even before my ability was known.

She gently put her hands on my belly, of witch was still moving. She rubbed it. Taking two big black circles with wires connected to them, she gently stuck them only my belly on either side, and slowly the kicking slowed down. It was music.
She then rubbed a cold lquid over my belly. Placing a stethoscope in my belly. Listening. she gasped.
"Miami. There is 26 babys inside you" she said.
I gasped, i couldn't believe it! That must've explained the large number, incredible hunger and kicking.
She then went on to explain that. Because of my abiltiy, the babys had grown in the only day i had them withen me. But thay i would need to have them for the normal nine months. As to make sure they stayed healthy. But, a baby could develop in a days time. And if 26 had, many could each day.
And even with the 26, Mrs. Lane made it clear that, because of the amount of children, a jelly was forming in my belly to keep them from getting crammed. And that, i would grow with everything i eat. Every baby and over time. And that i would have to eat at LEAST a thanksgiving sozed meal 8 times a day. And i would need to drink up to 12 gallons of water a day. And that, i would need to have a few gadgtes to help me through it.

She placed a large black band over the bottom of my belly, and shoved a big back angled slab under it. Causing my belly to stick straight forward instead of hang. And this, caused my boobs to hit up on my face. And with the small movement, they began to pour milk again.
"You'll need these" Mrs. Lane said.
Placing a large patch over both of my nipples.
"It will keep your milk warm, and make sure you wont leak. It will absorb all the milk, the catch is that it was expand, and cause your breast to swell." Mrs. Lane said.
I nodded.
She then put a patch of some pink goo on top of my belly. Causing me to get sleepy as my belly slowly began to slosh again.

I fell asleep.

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