☁️|ALateNightMemory-Shuichi Saihara

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Shuichi x Reader | Fluff
- A Late Night memory -
Words - 951


After a date with the Ultimate Detective, the afternoon would soon come down to an end, and thus came the night.  The two of you walk along the sidewalk of a neighborhood, walking to the home you both shared. 

A comfortable silence, hand in hand.  The sounds of your footsteps, a few cars, crickets, and a few families laughing from the house's you'd pass, filled the silence.  It was only 9:40 PM, but it felt like it was a lot later.

Then he takes a turn, " Shuichi ?  Where are you going ? " You ask feeling the light tug of his hand. 

He smiled, " Let's go to the park .  " .  You smiled knowingly, there was a certain spot on top of a small hill where you two would love going to stargaze, it also held a deep meaning

" Alright . . " You grin.  Your response makes him happier.  Entering the green field, you both immediately run to the top of the hill, with the moonlight illuminating down and lighting up the way.  Reaching the top of the hill, you both immediately run down to sit on the tree where a bunch of S.S's and  your initials would be carved. 

They would indicate the years you two were friends, and the years you two had been in a relationship for.  A long stretched 5 years of friendship.  A full 5 years, from your second high school year, to the present.  As you were both currently only 20.  10 years of knowing each other marked today, and the 5 years of a lasting relationship. 

You both look at each other, " I can't believe how times just flies by ,  10 years ago on this day we met for some stupid project . " You laugh.

Shuichi smiled at the memory, " Yeah . .  I'm glad we paired up .  Though we were also computer partners during the second semester too . . " He says. 

You nodded your head, " I'm glad too .  That might have also been the only reason I even wanted to go to school . . " You admit embarrassingly, " I kinda had a crush on you before really getting to know you . . " Twirling a strand of hair between your fingers, you became flustered.

Shuichi hadn't even known this, " R - Really ?  I admit I might have also had an eye for you ,  even before getting to know each other more . . " He also blushed as he took your free hand, that rested on the grass.  You smiled and looked at him.

" It's all been so great with you Shuichi ,  I'm really glad fate drew us in . " You say, looking him in the eyes.  He looked back.

" It really has been great . . " He looked down, " I hope that you're happy with this too .  That we have made it this far . "

Your thumb grazes his hand, you kiss the top of his head. 

" Of course I am ,  Being with you has never drawn out a negative side in me . " You say while pulling away to rest your back on the tree.

The lights in the park were on, but they didn't reach to the top of the hill.  It was dark but beautiful, a small breeze of wind picked up, but it wasn't really cold. 

You look over at the lake, the fountain in the middle added a pleasing add to it.  A decent amount of trees scattered across multiple places.  You breath in and out, the fresh air eased the moment. 

You turn your attention to Shuichi, he was also looking at the scenery displayed in front of you, and he seemed lost in thought. 

You didn't want to bother him, he seemed really focused.  You look up, a small shine from the moon is visible through the many branches and leafs. 

That's when you hear a click, you turn your attention to him again.  You then see him standing up.

You stand up as well, patting down your clothes, from the dirt, you look up at him.

" What's wrong ? ? " You question.  He remained silent for well over 5 solid seconds, before letting out a shaky breath. 

" I - . . I can't take another second just being your boyfriend . . " He shakily says as brings his hands together in a closed position, he brings his hands to his face.  " I - You've made me so happy throughout this decade . . and I don't want it to end . .  I want it to continue for as long as time will allow it . . and if time didn't exist I wouldn't mind an eternity where you and I were isolated from the world . . I love you . . a whole lot more than what I can s - say . . So p - please . .  d - don't let it end and . . " He says while shakily getting on one knee.  Your tears spill out, you didn't want to be one in a cliche love story, but you were.

Your hands were at your chest, breathing in and out.  Shuichi then slightly twisted his hand, where his right would be on top, and his left below.  He opens the small box, revealing a ring.

" Marry Me . . ? " He asks, as much as he wanted to stand brave, he couldn't.  But that was one thing you loved about him.  It would not be the only and last thing.  Your heart is beating so fast.  Your overwhelmed with joy.

" Yes Shuichi ,  I will . " You say, tears blur your sight.  He quickly stands up, taking the ring out, he slides it onto your ring finger.  You practically jump on him, he stumbled back as you had pulled him into a tight embrace, one that he would reciprocate.  Pulling away, he was also at view of having his own tears running down his face.  You both lean in for a kiss, once again bringing each other in for a hug. 

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