~A new nanny~

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You sigh seeing miss jessel run out of the house, finally having the courage to leave that vile man quint

She runs to her car in a hurry as she looks up into the house one more time, seeing you and flora there

It breaks the women's heart having to leave flora... She wish she could say the same for you

Floras hand goes on the glass as you hold her up, miss jessel getting more frightened as she drives off

Flora giving the car a sad look as a sigh escapes her, the saddnes she feels rubbing off on you as the Nanny's car goes further

She goes to hug you as you pick her up, setting her on the bed, Flora giving you a sad smile as you kiss her head

The young girl covering up as sleep over takes her, you watch the girl for a second before looking back at the window, watching the demise of the governess

You see Peter drag miss Jessel away from her car as she struggles, the man easily dragging the women away before looking up at the window

He shushes you before running off with her, you close the window not wanting to see his face as you lock floras door, knowing the man will come for you next

"Miles should be home soon flora.... It's almost winter break.. I'll Indore this torture for you my love~"

You kiss floras head as she smiles in her sleep, you sigh before sitting in a chair, waiting for quints dreadful knock to come....

Luckily you won't Indore the torture for long, now that quint met his demise...

But if only the people who die on this property stay dead....

You stay silent, watching flora play with her dolls as miss gross makes tea

You smile at the little girl with happiness as she laughs about a joke she made

The moment doesn't last long as you feel a hand go on your thigh, scaring you as you look down

Quint smirking with his evil eyes as he drinks his tea, running his hand up and down from your thigh

You stay still quietly as miss gross pores you some tea, glaring at the man as he laughs, startling you as he gets up to tame the horse's

But this was just your imagination.... He's been dead for two months... Along with jessel, it's just his measly ghost tormenting you for the rest of your days

Miss gross can't see him like you can, flora sees him sometimes but it's nothing like you and miles, the man being closer to miles than anyone

The boy even allows him to possess his body for hours of the day...

Flora runs away to play outside as you snap out of your daydream seeing miss gross walk in with a lady

The young women smiles at you as miss gross gives you a warning to be nice

"Kate this is miss y/n, the other child after flora, she's a distinct cousin but not related to the children in blood"

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