Break? What Break?

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Is this a dream?
(slightly rustles in chair)
Is Victor surprising me with an email stating a week's worth of caramel pudding?!

Why do I sense there is someone nudging me?
(facial expression turns to puzzlement)

Anna nudging my shoulder says, "Wake up, sleepyhead."

Startled, and looking around in bewilderment, I wake up realizing it was a dream and embarrassed knowing that Anna and Kiki are standing there while I nonchalantly wipe the drool off my face.

"Ha! Ha! You saw that?", I bashfully exclaim. 
"Yes. And I think it is time for you to leave the office for some R&R—Rest and Relaxation.
I know just the thing for you to do and you are not backing out of this one! Here is the address to the pedicure place that Anna and I went to the other day. Anna, help me out here!", demands Kiki.

Anna nods, grabs a chair, and plops down next to me to take off one of her heels.

My eyes grew wide at how her foot seemed to glow! Perfectly polished piggy-toes with a vibrant crimson red polish to boot too!

"Ok. I am sold. But, why are you two looking at me weird? Do I have red marks on my face from the keyboard?", I asked with anticipation of the worst while patting my face.
"No", says Anna. "You have to trust us and have an open mind. Promise us you will not back out once you see the place.", Anna reassures me as I am even more confused than before.

I nodded in agreement while gathering my things and headed out of the office towards the address given.

Walking does clear my mind as I take in a deep breath and type in the destination's address on the phone.

Minutes go by.

Hearing the hustle and bustle of the city life, smelling the food in food stalls, and concentrating on the marker taking me closer to the destination to only glance up at a short distance to see the glass pool and a booth that states in bold letters: LIVE FISH PEDICURE.

I stopped in my tracks and thought, "OH-HO! That's why they weren't telling me details. Well, I promised them. And what harm could it do?", as I continue to walk towards the business.

Greeting the man, I said, "Hello. I was recommended to come here for a pedicure. How much is it? Will I harm the fish with my nasty feet?" As I begin to take off my navy blue peep-toe heels to show him the damage.
He laughs at the barrage of questions and looks at the bare feet. "For you, Lady, the cost will be $45 and the fish will be fine. Although your feet may be swollen, they are beautiful.", he declares with admirable marketing professionalism.
Thinking to myself, "Nice save, brother." and responding aloud while giving him money, "Thank you."


Across the bustling street, Gavin notices in the corner of his eye her talking to a street vendor. Curious, he cautiously walks over to ask what she is up to at a fish pedicure booth during the middle of a work day.
Contemplating further, Gavin comes to conclusion that she may be working on another one of her projects for a show.
Swiftly he is beside her and the owner while tapping her shoulder to disrupt their deep conversation.

"May I cut in?", Gavin says cordially.

"Gavin! What are you doing here?", I astonishingly ask.
"I could say the same thing. Are you doing this for an upcoming show?", as he curiously responds.
(Points toward the fish tank)
"No. I am about to embark into the unknown chartered waters of this fish tank right here.
ALL for the sake of Anna and Kiki's R&R advice.", I declare.

Trying to convince Gavin that I am a rebel with a cause, and not nervous at all, the sweat off my brow gave me away like the drool at the office did.
Gavin's sexy grin and keen golden-hued eyes saw through the facade. 

He hands over the owner $45, gently takes my hand like a gallant knight, escorted me to the edge of the fish tank, and sat beside me.

The knees are pressed firmly to my chest and the feet are on the edge of no return.

Still holding my hand, Gavin noticed my palm getting clammy. "It's ok.", he says as he chuckles at my despair. "Just dip your toes in to get use to the water's temperature."

I do as I am told.

Meanwhile, another customer sits on the opposite side. I acknowledged him with a hesitant smile and:
The toes go into the water until I mustered the courage to submerge the whole foot not knowing what would come next.

Hundreds of Red Garra come swarming towards the sensitive foot, and out of reflex and laughter, I swung that foot out of the water so fast that I forgot who was around and almost fell backwards if Gavin wasn't holding my hand still.

Panicked, I looked across the way to see the drenched customer and hearing the business owner yelling, "NO SPLASHING!"

Gavin firmly pulls me back up with a huge grin on his face. "It's never a dull moment with you.", he says.

Laughing, I yell back towards the business owner, "I'm SO sorry, Mr! It just...(mid-laughter)...the fish tickle and it won't happen a second time!"

Gavin winked and coaxed me to try again.
This time we submerged our feet together.
The guy who was drying himself off looked at us in angst and scooted out of the way from the possible watery path.

Gavin's soothing hand felt like encouragement to not give up something new and uncharted which lingered in my mind as the fish began to do their magic.
This relaxing moment of a well deserved pampering for the both of us was well worth it.

Squeaky clean feet and all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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