Shadow in the night

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Under a sky of speckled starlight amist visions of looming night

Kneels a little shadow resolved to combat demons of fright

Her form is hunched and haggard covered with dregs of the road

Hands stained scarlet and scared from self hatred once condoned

Shallow breaths imply anxiety and fear of the slightest sound

A skittish doe prepared to bolt if ambushed or unwantedly found

This shadow has a secret, a reason for terror born

She roams in moonlight searching for an antidote to failures scorn

Every mistemp becomes a fantom, each mistake a writhing beast

A life cursed of misery, haunted by memories of worth decreased

With every passing day the shadow grows more onyx still

Ink staining once bleached parchment, poisoning cognition and self will

Her mind begins to devour her soul expelling demonic screams

The shadow nearly suckd into blackness observers the queerest things

Among all of her darkness, her mystery and self harm

A ruby heart pulsates defiance of deaths present charm

A mirage of iridescent echos flash like lightning across her eyes

Illuminating her self purity and potential worth more than her demise

The devil born of her thoughts claws its way outside her brain

Lunging for her heart the demonic entity writhes insane

In the shadows palm a diamond sword or resilience apearns

And with a single thrust she impales her devilish fears

Her soul begins to purify all cognitive distortions gone

She only regrets that ending her internal war took so very long

Her mind blooms anew, heart resonating with health

No medical tonic was needed for the restoration the shadows self

Upon realization of salvation, night is drowned in tides of day

And the ashen shadow is transformed into an angelic fae 

Shadow in the nightWhere stories live. Discover now