Chapter 1

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"I don't belong in this club!" The crowd around me screams along to the popular singers on the stage. I look around, noticing all of the teenaged girls staring at the stage in admiration. Everyone is standing and dancing to the music. Meanwhile, I am seated in the second row trying to stay hidden and trying to understand why everyone is so obsessed with these musicians and their music. 

"Come on!" My best friend yells, trying to tug me out of my seat.

"No thanks," I reply. "You know that I don't like this music."

"Seriously, you're at the concert. Just try to enjoy it. You haven't even given their music a chance, and these tickets costed a fortune." Before I can mention that she tricked me into coming here by making me think we were going to a Motley Crue concert, I am pulled out of my seat.

"Noooo!" I moan, trying to sit back down.

"Please Angie. Just dance to one song, and then I will leave you alone to mope." Right as she says that, the music changes to a new song that I've heard a few times when I've been in the car with Morgan.

"Fine," I say, knowing that Morgan won't give up until I dance. Morgan and I start swaying back and forth to the music. As I listen closer to the lyrics, I realize that Lotus Inn is being sung which is one of the only songs I know and enjoy. Before I realize what is happening, I am singing along to the song. Together, Morgan and I are screaming all of the lyrics and jumping up and down like complete lunatics. Everyone around us is doing the same, completely unwinding to the amazing song. I lift my hands above my head, continuing to jump around. I am having such a  great time finally letting loose and enjoying the experience. I now realize that I shouldn't have immediately turned down this kind of music without first experiencing it. I should have started dancing and having fun as soon as I got here. Despite all of my regrets, I push them away to continue experiencing this amazing feeling of joy and freedom. I am having such a great time that I forget that I am holding my phone. Suddenly, as I am moving my arms up, my phone releases from my hand and flies through the air. I look up, unsure of what to do. I am in total shock as I watch my phone fly towards the stage directly where one of the boys is singing. Right as the song ends, my phone lands on the stage about two feet from who I think is Daniel Seavey, making the loudest noise possible. I stare in front of me in horror, wishing that I had never shown up to this concert with Morgan. 

"Did you see that?" Morgan asks. "Someone threw their phone on the stage." 

"Oh really?" I ask, hoping that no one finds out that it was my phone. I am already embarrassed to be at this concert, I don't want people to find out that I was dancing and that my phone slipped out of my hand. 

"Oh my god!" Morgan and about everyone else at the concert exclaims. "He's picking up the phone. 

"Who threw their phone up on the stage?" Daniel asks the crowd. He looks around waiting for a response, but I don't say anything. Daniel searches through the crowd expectantly. When no one responds, he looks at the phone. As soon as he looks at the screen, I remember that my wallpaper is a picture of me riding a jet ski, one of the best experiences of my life. 

"Well, if they don't respond, I guess I will describe what I assume is them on their lock screen. A young girl who looks to be in about her teens. She has shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes. She is riding a jet ski and wearing a light purple bikini." As he finishes describing my picture, Morgan turns to me with surprise written all over her face.

"Angie, that sounds a lot like your wallpaper. Did you throw your phone up there?"

"No. Of course not." I say. "It slipped out of my hand while we were dancing." I decide to tell her the truth.

"Aaaah! No way! That means Daniel Seavey is holding your phone right now!" She squeals, completely overlooking the fact that my phone slipped from my hand while dancing. 

"Why are you so happy? This isn't a good thing," I say.

"Yes it is," she replies. "It's my phone." Morgan yells at the top of her lungs. I immediately turn towards her giving her a death glare for calling attention to herself. The entire stadium goes silent as Daniel and all the other boys turn towards Morgan.

"Why did you throw your phone? You could have hurt someone, and I'm pretty sure you're going to be needing this," he says, looking right at the two of us. The entire time that I've been at the show, I haven't looked at this singer once, and finally as he is talking to Morgan, I look at him. The first thing I notice about him are his vibrant blue eyes, they seem to stand out against the black outfit that he is wearing. His blonde hair is sticking up everywhere, showing how much energy he put into the concert. Suddenly, I realize why all these teenaged girls are so obsessed with him. He is very attractive, I just don't think he is my type. As I am staring at him, he turns his gaze away from Morgan and looks right at me. His eyes lock with mine, and I can't move. All I am able to do is stare into his deep blue eyes. I am absorbed by them. They seem to contain so much emotion, so much light. It is as if we are connected as we stare at each other. Too soon, he turns away from me and announces that Morgan can pick her phone up backstage at the end of the show. 

The music starts again, and Morgan turns to me to express her excitement.

"Can you believe it? I'm going to get to go backstage. I might even get to meet Daniel and the boys. Aaaah!" As Morgan is exclaiming her happiness, Daniel starts to sing into the microphone. I look at him again to find him staring directly at me. We lock eyes as he sings a beautiful song. 

"Red, your lips are kissing on my neck down to my chest," he sings, not breaking eye contact with me. I am mesmerized by his amazing voice and his beautiful eyes. I can't believe I originally didn't like his music. He has such a beautiful voice. 

Too soon, the concert ends, and my friend and I head backstage. The security guards look at us and usher us past the doors into a room off to the side. In the room, we find my phone, and I quickly pick it up and make to head back to the exit. Before I can leave, a tall figure appears, blocking the exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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