God Of Mischief

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      *I just want to put in a disclaimer here that I do not own any Marvel/  DC characters I only own my OC. Also, this is going to be graphic with violence and sexual moments so if you are not 18 and up you have been warned!*

I truly wonder how I got here, how I got wrapped into this mess. How my safe mediocre life became a series of adventures, love, and chaos. How previously I was happy being single and alone to being thwarted into holding the love of not one but two men's hearts and how they were willing to rip themselves to shreds for me. How exactly did I get here?

~Few Months Prior in New York City Chautari attack~

"Hey, Sweetie, how you doing today?" The older gentleman smiled as I approached his table, outside on the patio, getting ready to take his order.

"I'm doing well,  Greg, are you getting your usual today?" I smiled already writing down his order. I smiled and breathed in the fresh air on the beautiful sunny day the warm breeze prickling my skin. 

The man smiled and nodded, "Absolut-" an explosion stopped him midsentence. I looked up to the sky to see that a wormhole in the sky alien typed creatures coming out of the hole and began destroying the City. I got up on an empty table, "Everyone, please evacuate from the patio immediately, get yourself to shelter!" I hopped down from the table to help some of the older clientele to get indoors.

The creatures were rapidly approaching. Loud screaming and people were running in the streets past the cafe. I leaned over the railing to see the creatures heading toward the cafe. I turned and saw Greg slowly getting up, I ran up to him and grabbed his arm and helped him get into the building rapidly.

As she was closing the doors the alien creatures ran up to our windows. They broke the windows, I turned to everyone and yelled, "Run now!" Harlem broke loose as everyone tried stomping over another to leave the building. I kept my grip on Greg to make sure that he got out safely not trampled over. He grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Hang tight, Greg." The door was within view. 

 "It's okay, kiddo," Greg released my hand and unentwined his arm from mine and gave me a push, "Take care of yourself okay?" I nodded as I began walking away watching the man that came everyday for over the year of my being here straightened his back from these aliens. Giving a chance for everyone to flee. Tears began welling up in my eyes as I have was exposed to the warmth of the Sun. Chaos had erupted there were many people getting attacked cars had turned on their sides, New York traffic being their immediate target. 

I looked up at the sky to see a flash of red and gold flying overhead. Iron Man, the Tony Stark on the frontlines attacking a monstrous alien that was destroying buildings as it was flying over as well. There was an explosion really close to my head made me flinch and i kept moving forward. Every where I turned there were explosions and attacks everywhere, it caused me to pause yet again, metal clashed and collided against my shins. I looked down to see that there was  a big circular shield with a star in the middle and red and blue stripes. I grabbed the shield and looked up to see a man in a similar suit fall to the floor one of the the aliens was gearing up to strike.

Without fully thinking about anything I sprinted toward the man and as the creature lifted its arms to strike I blocked the blow with the same shield and with brute force pushed the alien back, giving the man enough time to get up I handed him the shield with a small smile. "Thank you," I nodded and flinched after another explosion, the man brought her closer his shield  blocking the blast. 

"Thank you!" I said.

"Looks like we're even," he huffed a chuckle, "Try to find some shelter,  I believe that you can take care of your self by the looks of it, just be careful." I nodded and began to run as the man continuing on battleing with more of the creatures. 

A young man stopped her for a quick second, "You just saved Captain America!" It took me a minute to register that as the man scurried away. I can't believe I didn't recognize the costume I had heard so much about Captain America and to say I helped save him would be a memory I would have to register at a later time because there was an invasion and I was still in extreme danger.

 I looked down the street to see Stark tower, and made a bee line toward that tower, telling myself that I was going to figure out my next move when I get there. There was a soft hum behind me as I turned a man with a gold horn helmet on a hovercraft was low to the ground. My legs weight became excruciatingly noticeable but seeing him making a beeline toward me I pushed my legs to keep moving and quicken my pace. 

Despite my best efforts I was unsuccessful and felt an arm wrap around my waist pausing to lift me on the hovercraft. That same hand secured my back to his chest, I turned my head back to look at my captor's face. I was taken aback by how beautiful he was. His high cheekbones, his blue eyes meeting my own strands of black hair coming out of his helmet. "Hello, Darling." His accent again once again shocked me.

My mouth fell agape, I barely stammered out, "I-I  have nothing you w-want, nor do I have any v-value, P-please let me go," it wasn't fear that had me stammering like an idiot. I don't know why I had suddenly  become flustered but I looked down at my hands to evade his cold blue eyes.

"My dear, you hold great value, for one you keeping me alive and that's what I need," I looked up long enough to see him reading my name tag on my uniform, "Katherine, it also helps that you arequite ravishing." Despite my efforts to be angry I was being angry at being used as a human shield, I still blushed at the compliment. He jerked the machine up that launched us up pressing my back against his, his face becoming closer to mine making my blush a deeper shade of crimson, he gruffed, "Hang tight."

We reached the clearing of the top of the tower when our craft got hit by a flying green object that moved so quickly I could not get a clear look and we collided with the window, my head collided with the concrete floor and my vision blurred to see the green thing whack my captor against the floor and my vision went black.

Thank you for reading the first chapter!  I hope it is everything you hope it would be for a first chapter! I'm excited for this series! I hope you guys are too! XOXO Sara!

Kiss My Eyes and Lay Me To Sleepحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن