Im sorry

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I will no longer write this story, this story is physically mentally and spiritually messing with me, trying to write this story again messed up my sleeping habits, and my days and more.

I know you don't want to hear this but I believe in god, I grew up hearing the word of god, and the way people talk about Christianality is so wrong , he is a loving god and a caring god, he loves each and every one of his children, that means ALL as in the people that follow him and that don't.

writing this story about angel and demon blood and stuff like that really makes me feel horrible because I know it isn't right.

I love reading and writing so much, so so much but I can't let it stop me with my relationship with god so please respect my choice and forgive me for misleading you as well, by me writing this I'm also miss leading gods Children as well as my self,

so if you are still reading this and didn't just shrug half way through and go to another story. thank you.

God is coming very soon and I don't wanna be left behind, you shouldn't be either please repent and read your bible, listen to his word, listen to his children preach his word.

Going to him takes away your guilt, your hurt, your sadness, depression, anger, Unforgiveness, and more.

he replaces it with joy, peace, happiness and much much more.

whatever you are going through you are not alone, speak to him not only as your god but as your father in heaven, and your best friend. (It's free lol)

Thank you for reading and god bless.

Love you <3

- Angelina.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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