Chapter 1 introducing

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Jackie's POV
Hey my name is Jackie dallas and im the sister of Cameron Dallas. Today i am getting ready to go to magcon Florida with Cameron. I am packing my bags when there is a knock on the door.
"Come in"
"Hey Jackie you almost done we have to vet to the airport." said Cameron.
"Ya i just finished." i replied
.... Time skip at the airport.....
"Flight 342 to Orlando Florida is now boarding" announced the lady on the speaker.
Cam and i got on the plane and luckuly we go to sit by each other, it was me at the window Cam in the middle and this snotty girl on the end.
The while plane ride i was just on my phone while That girl flirted with Cameron.
"Wow so much muscle" i heard her say.
That all i heard till i fell into a deep sleep.

Jackie ,Jackie wake up were here." Cameron said as he shook me.
I looked out the window and smiled 😄 as i looked our side , it was beautiful.
We boarded off te plane and Bart was waiting bfor us wth a LIMO!!!
We got in and Bart told us what we were going to do. i zoned out and then we arrived at the hotel.
I was met outside by 9 boys but one cauht my eye.
Hayes Greir.
He noticed me staring and winked at me.
Boy am i gonna love this summer.

Cliffhanger. Muhahahah
[hey guys first book was it good idk and I will be writing soon thx for reading 😘]

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