Part 1: Christmas

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The Starkiller Base held an annual Christmas Party for all employees, people as high as the Supreme Leader to as low as technicians were coming. The main Command Decks were completely decorated with festive gold, white, red, and green. There was pretty silver tinsel decorating a dark green tree, gold ornaments hung from the trees and shiny light fixtures hung from the ceiling. Red tablecloths and chair covers really brought the look of the room together. Most employees wore black attire, but some had deep emerald or ruby suits and dresses, probably from a nearby planet. The music rang through all the corridors and the halls smelled of decadent foods.

You were able to hear the music and smell the food very faintly from your quarters. You were in your bathroom, getting ready. After your shower before, you were drying your hair and working on styling it. After getting your hair ready for the night, you took your dress out of the small closet. Taking it out of the bag, you couldn't help but admire it. It was a strapless velvet gown, heavilyt pigmented in your favorite color.. The bodice began just above your chest and stayed thin until your hips, where it began to flow out. It was beautiful and soft, and the first gift your boyfriend had given you. You felt that it was too expensive but he had insisted on it. The First Order didn't allow makeup, but you felt you didn't need it. You were careful to wash your face and put on lip balm.

You stepped into your shoes, which were black pumps with little rubies set into the sides. These were something you had custom ordered from a nearby planet just for this occasion. Exiting your bathroom, you grabbed your ID card and left your quarters. Walking down to the the First Command Deck, several 'troopers and a few technicians moved out of your way, greeting you;

"Merry Christmas Lieutenant!"

Smiling at them, you moved further into the Deck, looking for General Hux. You saw his ginger hair over by the food table, and you made your way over, always acknowledging any greetings or well wishes. Finally, you reached him, and placed a hand on his back. He looked over at you and you looked at the table.

"What's good?" you asked, looking up at him. He planted a long kiss on your lips, and you sank into it and wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled back, and you realized the scent of alcohol on his breath was unmistakable and strong. You were a little startled by this, seeing as he almost never drank alcohol. You supposed he probably did on holidays, but seeing as this was your first Christmas together, you wouldn't know. "How much have you had?" You asked him, and put your arm around his waist, staying close as he walked around to greet everybody.

"Not much, I promise." he said, but you seriously doubted that.

"Really? So if I asked Mitaka, he would say that?" you asked him skeptically. He placed his arm around your shoulder. "Yes, of course, darling." he said, his words slurring together, his eyes half-lidded.. You led him over to an empty table and sat with him.

"Hey Mitaka?" You asked in a soft voice as your fellow Lieutenant walked by. He turned to look at you, brow furrowing when he saw General Hux.

"Can you get him a cup of water and some food, please? I don't want him to wander off if I leave."

"Yeah, anything" he answered, quickly walking tothe food table.

"I don't need your help." Hux said, leaning his head on your shoulder. You patted his hair, making sure his hair stayed in place. Laying your head on top of his, you quietly whispered to him, talking about anything, just to make him go to sleep, or something.

Mitaka returned and you snapped up. Taking the cup of water and a plate with some bread and a few pieces of fruit, you thanked him and moved your shoulder so he would have to lift his head.

"I don't need your help, y/n." He said again, but you could tell he wasn't angry. Just drunk, tired, and overworked. You handed him small chunks of bread and fruit as he took the cup of water, slowly sipping it. He ate slowly but seemed to sober up slightly. His eyes were still slightly droopy. He laid his head down on the table and you had to excuse yourself to use the restroom. You hoped he had fallen asleep and would stay put.

General Hux ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now