Unknown Guest (Isaac Newton POV)

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The natural light and warmth of the Sun slowly dimmed throughout my bedroom to the point of pulling me from my studies. I reluctantly looked up to the window to verify that dusk had truly fallen whilst a familiar face with light pink eyes and elongated canines stared back at me. Though, I've been engrossed in my research since breakfast, I know Sebas dropped off Rouge and food for me throughout the day to satisfy the aberrant creature inside of me. It repulses me that I have to devour more blood than any other vampire in this residence more than the act of actually drinking the wretched substance.
Turning my face away from the window, I scrub my hand down my face then stretch the stiffness out of my arms and shoulders. Checking my pocket watch, "half past, I better get going to the dining hall,". My appearance has been requested for dinner as per the Le Comte de Saint Germaine. All through my human life, I had only one relationship and that was my research. So even when Le Comte came to me and offered me a second lifetime with my passion I did not hesitate. Reaching my bedroom door to head out I released a sigh thinking that research was all I needed, and time was all I had.

Upon entering the dining hall, only two others were there, Vincent and his brother Theo. "Where are Sebas and the others? I thought we were all supposed to be in attendance?" I curtly asked not to anyone in specific. Vincent responded, "I believe Sebastian went to gather them and stated he 'would be back posthaste'." Bloody hell was all I thought of since my canines were becoming a painful nuisance digging in my lip. Distracting myself, I began counting the thread work on the tablecloth when I heard multiple footsteps come into the dining hall. Vincent spoke stating we had a guest and that surprised me enough to pull me from my distraction. As I glanced up, I spoke out bluntly "we have a guest?" That's when I saw her petite timid stature behind Sebastian. Widened and perplexed deep blue eyes that were a deeper color than Arthur's met mine in response to my outburst. It was then I took in her presence. She just was dressed in attire I have never seen a lady wear before, but not a displeasing sight. Her trousers were a blue that matched her eyes and her blouse was a pearl color that had buttons all the way up to the collar. She had red hair that was up, but some strands escaped and were dangling over her ears. God give me strength, I felt an unusual stir inside me, almost as if I lost my breath. This unfamiliar feeling overcame me, and I felt my face get uncomfortably warm. I looked back down at the tablecloth; however I had an urge to bring my eyes back to hers but I resisted but I still felt her gaze on me.

Who is this woman?

What is happening to me?

Vincent's soft gentle voice broke the silence, "It's a pleasure to meet you, please come sit next to me", as Vincent motioned to the empty chair between him and I. Mentally scolding Vincent, I kept my attention on the tablecloth while the unfamiliar woman responded with pleasantries and came over to occupy the vacant seat. Though I kept my head down, I was highly attuned of her presence. I was overcome with curiosity of this woman that I wanted a better glance at her. Lifting my eyes up slightly from the table, I glanced through my red hair to get a closer look at her. I gulped and noticed how breathtaking she was. Why is someone like her here? We were not sitting that close to each other, but I could see that she was slightly trembling. Does she know what we are? Suddenly, I was pulled from my reverie from an annoying familiar brogue accented voice.

"Newt, old chap. Have you taken up new research material? Because I daresay it looks like..."

"Arthur, sod off", I quickly turned my expression away as I felt my face slightly warm again.

"Why Newt, your cheeks look as red as..."

As I was about to make a less than decent retort, the next voice that we heard was from our sire, Le Comte.

"That's enough out of both of you. We have a guest and I would like to start out by introducing ourselves as she will be a temporary guest in this house for one month. She will be treated with the upmost decency and respect. I expect all of you gentlemen to follow such conditions. My ma' Cherie, I am Comte de Saint-Germain but please call me Comte."

"Pleasure to meet you, I am Celine."

Comte wanted us to introduce ourselves. The Van Gogh brothers were first, and I knew as soon as Vincent stopped speaking it was my turn. To be polite, I quickly looked up from the tablecloth and looked at her whilst saying who I was.

"I'm Isaac Newton. I'm a Physicist."

Her blue eyes widened briefly but then relaxed but her gaze remained on my eyes. The way she's looking at me is strange, almost like she's studying me. I quickly looked away and pretended to be immersed into the tablecloth to escape her hold on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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