Untitled Part 1

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Stepping out of the same hut to begin the day had become boring. Heading to the market, Jim sensed something was different. While getting supplies he heard something that jarred him out of routine.  "Without Smith this planet can get back to normal."  Sure this was the outer rim but saying that about an Imperial Moff or even implying the Moff was bad could get you arrested.

The next treasonous thing overheard was more shocking. "The Emperor and Vader were dead, killed in an explosion near Endor." 

Where were the troopers that made up the garrison on planet. Turning the corner after paying for his goods, there was a crowd in front of the Imperial barracks. They were tearing down a statue of the Moff!

The lack of troopers was concerning, but they would have never let it go this far. Could it be true, the Galactic Empire was finished. At that moment a ray of sun light hit him. There was hope. The crowd started cheering and pointing at an Imperial shuttle leaving the planet.   

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