Political persecution and pressure on Akhmed Bilalov followed by the detention

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Akhmed Bilalov is a successful Russian entrepreneur, a well-known Russian politician, and a figure of international importance. He lived peacefully in the United States with his family. The situation changed dramatically in the fall of 2019. After the disastrous elections of "United Russia" to the Moscow City Duma, it became obvious to the Russian elite that global changes awaited the country and that changes in the current Constitution of the Russian Federation would soon follow.

As one of the options for the development of the situation in Russia, it was allowed to return to the post of head of state Dmitry Medvedev, who actively fought against the inner circle of the current president, limited its influence, and signed laws on the protection of business rights in the country. The return of Medvedev also meant the return of his strong team, which the politician fully trusted. The inner circle of the current president could not allow this to happen. So the trial on the charge and international search for Akhmed Bilalov was launched.

Before In 2013, a criminal case was opened against Akhmed Bilalov in Russia under the 201 clause of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Exceeding Authority or Official Powers" accusing a successful Russian businessman and a respected politician in unjustified spending on foreign trips of the management of the North Caucasus Resorts. According to unconfirmed information from the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, for their flights to France, Great Britain, and other countries, Bilalov took a private jet and unreasonably spent budget funds.

On October 22, 2019, the Russian businessman and politician Akhmed Bilalov was detained at his home in Miami by the US Department of Customs and Immigration Services US Homeland Security.

Any clear information was provided on Akhmed Bilalov's detention, only later on it was detected that all the alleged facts were illegally provided by the Russian law enforcement agencies to the American authorities. The accusations were unfounded and brought forward by the Russian authorities for political persecution and pressure on Akhmed Bilalov to illegally seize all the assets of the Russian businessman. The charges following by the detention of Akhmed Bilalov in Florida were based on fabricated data that the Russian authorities illegally transferred to America for Bilalov's detention, specifically, the 201st clause of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Exceeding Authority or Official Powers". It is important to note that it is precisely politicians and businessmen who have ceased to be pleasing to the inner circle of the current president of the Russian Federation are being charged on clause 201.

By order of the federal judge, all the charges against Akhmed Belalov in America were dropped released and he was released from custody and. Based on the same information, Bilalov was removed from the lists wanted by Interpol, where he was placed on false persecution based on political and kleptographic accusations.

Political persecution and pressure on Akhmed Bilalov followed by the detentionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora