The Zodiac Saga: Gemini

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In a shack in the middle of nowhere, high in the mountains, an impossibly possible event was being documented. "Zodiac," he muttered into the video camera, shadows looming ominously behind him, a product of the flickering green flames devouring a pile of wood. "The twelve, thine, creation of my own hands, will be here soon. And when they arrive, they will wreak havoc upon this planet, apocalyptic just by their presence. And how I will laugh as my new disciples worship me and destroy all I ask of them..."

A strange white light began to glow from the base of the emerald fire. The man turned quickly towards the flames, and with a low, maniacal laugh, turned back to the camera, angling it towards the flames.

"You see?" he cackled, nearing the element. "They're coming! My Zodiac! They are about to arrive!"

With a ear ringing, colossal explosion, the flames curled in on itself, then exploded outwards, razing the shack in the middle of nowhere to the ground.

(short, violent, a perfect intro and hook for this story :D)

The Zodiac Saga: GeminiWhere stories live. Discover now