Bakugou x Female Reader [One Shot (18+)]

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First Person POV

It all started with a simple tease. 

I sat next to Katsuki at the big-wooden kitchen table, flipping through the notes,  he had prepared for us. Exams were fast approaching and I had no clue about  what to study and where to start from.  I  felt sick at the thought of the humongous syllabus , still left untouched.


"Y/N? ", he enquired, removing his eyes from the book and looking at me,  "You okay ? "

This was the best thing about Katsuki. Although he had a rough outer demeanour and acted like he didn't care, he was actually very caring and observant.  He could tell even from the slightest  twitch of my face- exactly was going on inside my stupid head We had only known eachother for over a year now and he already knew me so well..

"I am okay,  just worried.... About the exams.. ", I sighed.

Hero exams weren't really easy. Especially the math that involved complicated calculus and Physics.

Katsuki was sitting pretty close to me. Although he never really shows too much affection, he still wrapped his strong arms around me , and pulled me closer, giving me a tight squeeze. I felt the smell of caramel all over me. He always smelled so deliciously good.

"Hey Shithead! it will be fine! ", he said with a smirk,  "There is enough time for you to prepare... this whole shit ", pointing at the pile of books in front of them on the table.

"And I will keep sorting these out for you anyway,", he added slowly, almost in a whisper, looking in the other direction-
" making notes and stuff, so that you don't have to study more than required"

Did he just say he would help me?

I mean yeah we have been studying together for sometime now but this was not something I expected Katsuki to do. He hated planning or making notes especially for others.

Katsuki you  really are a ball of love- I thought but didn't voice it out . I didn't wanna annoy him too much

" Thank you Kacchan" , I said sweetly

" What did you call me again Shithead",
he yelled removing his arms and making an angry face at me. He looked so cute when he got angry

" Damn hedgehog are you deaf?"


" Okay then..Kacchan it is!"

" Don't call me that either..."

" Kat-ch-an"

" If you say that one more time", he said with a dark look in his eyes, " I'll kill you"

But I decided to egg him on

" Kacchan-Kacchan-Kaccchan", I began chanting in a sing- song voice

" You're so dead", he said and got up from his chair and began to tickle me.
" Shit" , I breathed as soon as his fingers made contact with my skin. He knew I was extremely sensitive when it came to tickling and therefore used this weapon to tackle me down.  Soon I was just a quivering mess of laughter as I held on to my sides, trying to defend myself from his continuous onslaughts. He mercilessly tickled me until I fell off my chair and rolled myself into a ball on the ground.

As soon as  he stopped tickle-torturing me, I peeked up to look at him from my position. He was staring at me with a grin. No it was better than a grin. Katsuki- the ever-sulking, always angry, hotheaded Katsuki- was smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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Bakugou Katsuki X Female Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now