Too Cold

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Freddie: Vera? It's Freddie.

Vera opens the door and finds Freddie shivering.

Vera: Hey, are you okay? If you came here because of the heater, mines broken as well, And it's so damn FREEZING in here! It's 2:30 in the morning, I doubt we can get it fixed right now.

Freddie: How about we sleep in the van then?  It's not comfortable but at least it's warmer. I don't think we can even sleep with this temperature.

Vera: Hmmm yeah. Okay. Let's sleep in the van, that's the best thing we can do right now.

Vera lay down at the back and Freddie went on the front.

A few minutes later--

Freddie: Are you asleep?

Vera: No. I still can't sleep.

Freddie suddenly stand, went to the back and lay down with Vera.

Vera: Hey, it's too cramped in here already!

Freddie ignored her whining and hugged her from the back, spooning her.

Freddie: Let's just sleep like this.

Vera: Freddie, someone might see us! *She tried to break from his hug but she failed*

Freddie hugged her even tighter. She eventually gave up and let him be. Freddie scooched in closer, kissed Vera's shoulder and whispered on her ears--

Freddie: Goodnight, Vera.

Vera held his freezing hands and intertwined his fingers with hers as they both drifted to sleep.

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