A Note Beforehand

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About the picture above: Mike Maihack made some fan art for the show made by Peacock based on his series, Cleopatra in Space!


This is a Aleo fanfic and is about Cleo and Antony. I ship them SO MUCH! 

This will start at the end of Cleopatra in Space: Queen of the Nile. I still have to think about if I will include the epilogue or not.I might add it later in time or maybe at the end of the book.The first chapter will be a short one. It's just to get the book started. Also maybe so I actually remember this fanfic....

ANYWAYS, the recap will be in the either the next chapter or the chapter after that. Also I will put a quote. If you can guess which book the quote is from you will get a shoutout in the book. I'm not saying in the next chapter because I will probably forget, but I promise you will get a shoutout in at least ONE of these chapters. 

*BONUS* See if you can guess who wrote the book the quote is from. I mean it'll be pretty easy once you figure out the book, but if you get the author too there shall be a surprise.

Ok that should be all. Also thank you for choosing my story I will try to update it AT LEAST once a month. I know, I know that's not a lot, but remember I'm in the middle of school and just finished some tests. I have to get into routine. So, thanks again and I'll talk to you later...

Ok I gotta come up with a nickname for you guys. Tell me suggestions!

Ok, now BYEE

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