Band Club: We get our instruments

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So I went band with my friend,Soysauce and Jair. We were walking and we got to the room,we sat down and Mr. I Dropped My Coffee said we would get our instruments today! So we got them and since I got the saxophone and mine was the hardest to put together I played first. I started on the first note and when I played everyone started laughing because I sounded like a boat! And then when I played again Heather Feather said I sounded like a car horn! I honestly did so I kept doing it and we done laughed our heads off! I swear I told the band teacher he should remember me in car horns! The next time I went there,we went to the other practice room in the back and I started going HAM on my saxophone! Like I swear if I went higher I would've passed out from just lack of oxygen! We were just basically idiots UNTIL Heather asked what anime's I liked and I just started naming them one after the other! (BNHA,Norogami,Tokyo Ghoul,Hanako-kun ect.) Jaiden just sat there confused until one of the boys heard the word anime and came in,he had his trombone. He said "HEY,did somebody say they like anime!?" I obviously said yeah. He held up his trombone and played it in our faces! He booked it! I ran after him,saxophone in hand along with my girls and I said, "Ready girls!" They didn't hear me but started to play their instruments,them being a flute and clarinet. A flute won't do much but a saxophone or a clarinet will and we circled him a played our instruments to try to make him ALMOST deaf! Bit his friend came up behind me and blew his trumpet in my ear! Then right after almost everyone left one of the guys that was lift blew the reed? of his trumpet in my face. I was still laughing! Being a band kid and drama kid is awesome! You guys are missing out on band. My friend also ditched me for choir! Okay bye!

And as always bye guys,gals,and non-binary pals!

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