Under The Spotlight (An Andy Biersack one shot)

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There are good and bad things about being in a singing competition that's followed by millions of people worldwide. Performing in front of a live audience with cameras recording every move you make. The waiting is one of the worst parts. You stay backstage, observing as another contestant gives a killer show and your mind decides this is the perfect moment to bring up torturing thoughts, just like mine was right now. The thoughts buzzing around my head like a swarm of pissed off wasps, stinging whenever opportunity struck. What if I'm not good enough? What if I screw up? This was live tv. There was no editing. If I messed up everybody would see.

"Stop it." I scorned myself, shaking the images away. "Andy wouldn't want you psyching yourself out." Andy's name brought on a whole new train of thought. Andy. Lead singer of the famous rock band Black Veil Brides, my boyfriend and the only man I couldn't live without. He'd been so supportive through this. He was here for my audition, waiting for me backstage with open arms and a dazzling smile when the judges all put me through to the next round. He was on tour now though, and I missed him like crazy.

He called me every night. It was hard being away from him for so long, but the phone calls were a comfort. Hearing his voice made all my worries about the show seem a million miles away. I felt a smile twitching at my lips as I remembered last nights conversation. I was terrified about the first live round but somehow Andy always knew the right words to say.

"Ruby... Listen to me." He murmured softly. "You are going to go out there tomorrow night. And you are going to blow them all away with that incredible voice of yours. You don't need to worry about a thing. You know that even with this tour, I'm right with you every night you perform." Hot tears pricked my eyes and spilled down my cheeks at his words.

"T-Thank you..." I choked out. "I miss you Andy." There was a short pause, then a heavy sigh. "I miss you too. I'd bring you on tour if I could."

"And I'd gladly go with you. How is the tour going?"

"The whole tour has been fucking rad so far." He said. I didn't need to see him to know he was grinning from ear to ear. "Seeing all the fans again and singing on stage every night has been incredible." I'd been to many of BVB's shows, and anyone could see that all five of them had the time of their lives every time they graced the stage. Applause spooked me back to my senses. The other contestant had finished. She had walked right past me with her head held high and a confident smile plastered on her face. Oh god.

My heart thrummed violently against my chest as the host began to introduce me. This was it. This was my turn to give it all I could.

"Let's give a huge welcome, to Ruby Garcia!" Every booming word seemed to echo around my ears, the noise of the crowd just a dull hiss. There was no looking back now. With a deep breath, I clutched my microphone and ran out on stage to meet the crowd, the band, and the cameras. I waved to the packed studio, staring out at the ocean of faces as the music began to play. My heart was pretty much trying to jump through my throat, but here I was. Black dress, cameras rolling and an audience waiting.

"Even with this tour, I'm right with you every night you perform." Andy's words shot through my mind right as I opened my mouth to sing, and at that moment, I gave myself over to the music. I didn't think, I just let the music take me where it wanted. I was barely aware of myself as I stormed the stage, belting out lyrics I knew oh so well. This was one of the best parts. The adrenaline rush that performing gave you. Feeling the heat of the spotlights and the music charging through you as you stalk across the platforms. These were the performances I lived for. All too soon, the last words left my mouth, the beat stopped, and I came back to earth. It was over. A second later, the whole room erupted into cheers and applause. I was in complete awe at the sight and atmosphere before me. People were on their feet. My eyes scanned over those people as I smiled brightly at them. One person that smiled back made my heart skip a beat. I recognized that smile. That smile that made my heart melt and the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. Andy was right there in the front row applauding my performance.

"Ruby Garcia everyone!" The host called out, bringing a fresh round of cheers from the audience. With a last wave, I ran backstage, and that was when the tears began to fall. Andy had come? He'd been on tour for weeks... Maybe it was just wishful thinking. My mind playing tricks in me. I slumped into a seat and buried my face in my hands. I didn't even hear the door open, and boots thud across the polished floor. "I am so proud of you." A deep voice made my head snap up. I found those familiar, stunning blue eyes gazing back at me. It wasn't a trick of the mind or wishful thinking. He was really here.

I couldn't even speak, so instead I leapt forward into his arms, cupped his face in my hands and kissed him as long and hard as I could. I was back in his arms, his lips on mine, I was home. "You're here. How are you here? I..." Andy's eyes glimmered with excitement. He was just as pumped about all this as I was. "We don't have a show for three days. Besides," He tucked a stray strand of my hair behind my ear and kissed me softly once more. "I wouldn't miss this for anything."

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