-In the Beginning-

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In The Beginning there was nothing.

And by nothing I mean absolutely nothing.
There was no inky blackness, no vast empty white, no mixed form of grey.

I'm the beginning, there was the empty space of nothing.

Nobody knows how, and no one knows why, but out of the nothing came something.

That something was two gods.
One of light.
One of Dark.
These two gods needed to learn nothing for they knew everything about the world they would create.

The gods were in awe of themselves. They knew what they were and why they looked the way they did. They knew the beings they would create to inhabit their world would look just like them.

"Human" they called it.

The two gods went to work. The dark god created the vast emptiness of space and forces that held it all together. The light god created the fullness of life and the ties that strung it into one web.

Together they created a full world. Worlds upon worlds. Though they couldn't help but see that it was more "nothing" than they had intended.

So, the two gods created new elements. New things that had yet to occupy the world of nothing and the world of something.

From those elements came gods that governed them.

Soon the world that the two gods had created was expanded upon by these new gods.

The new gods created time, streams, fires, thought and memory and endless other things.

The original worlds were now more full than anything had ever been.

Worlds upon worlds filled with galaxies upon galaxies filled with planets upon planets.

After a long time in which the gods enjoyed their creations they brought everything into one and created their own mortal image.

The Humans they had known to be like for so long.

The humans quickly ruled their worlds and suddenly more things popped up and became alive.

Life spread faster than the gods had spread themselves.

Their creations named them and praised them and so the gods mingled with and rewarded them.

The dark god, Kreymorus, was the male image.

The light god, Sabiline, was the female image.

The two original gods of the realms.
Each one took their own path.

The dark god became jealous, as the light god was increasingly fond of her human companions and worshipers.

Kreymorus's jealousy festered and grew. Slowly, over the years, it became hatred for what they had created.

Kreymorus created his own breed of life, a twisted corrupted form of the soul.
He had done something that had never happened before.

He created beings with his own essence, a brood created of his own hate filled ichor.

This new creation terrorized the lights of life, burned the love they'd brought, and consumed the souls they cherished.

Sabiline was distraught, her precious creations dying by the thousands, so she gathered the gods.

They all agreed the threat must be ended, otherwise they would be destroyed alongside their creations.

The gods poured their essences into a new race of being. A compact form of godly power, more intense and powerful than the gods themselves.

This form ended the reign of the dark breed, scattering them to the dark recesses of all creation, and sealing away Kreymorus for all eternity.

Even so he had done his damage and the realms were tainted with his dark.

The humans could commit crimes, unspeakable acts of horror, of their own volition.

The gods could do nothing but hope that the original light inside them shown brighter than the dark that smothered it.

The form that evicted the dark, aptly named the Banishing Crystal, stayed in place for millennia slowly being corroded by the darkness that had tainted it during its fight.

Eventually it shattered and the shards were strewn across the realms, forming their own mortal vessels.

These mortal vessels were scattered over time, space, realty, universes.
They became latent with the power their original form had possessed, though dormant aside the memories of it.

Now all of creation hangs in the balance of the light and dark with both major entities shattered.
The gods retreated, having enough of their living creations, leaving the two beings to their own devices.

Now the only thing that stops the dark from consuming everything are the scattered vessels of the Banishing Crystal.

The first of them awake to combat the dark.
The three foretold by the gods.

The brothers.

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