A few major headcanons

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Evan - he is my pure anxious little bean but he can curse! People treat him like a baby and it seriously annoys me, he only really does cuss at Jared when he's an idiot but that's very often so it's okay!

Jared - is slightly insecure about his body image, he tries to cover himself up whenever he can but Evan is there to raise his self esteem.

Zoe - can play any instrument you give her, she excels in the string family but can play anything.

Alana - isn't one for popularity but appreciates being listened to, sometimes she feels left out in her group and it gets to her (just a little bit)

Connor - would be a super villain who owns a cat (don't know why, just does)

Miguel - ... I really don't know much about Miguel, he was only in the book so... speaks Spanish a lot (i really don't know)

Heidi - never misses a taco Tuesday after the incident. (I actually got this from hobbysognodilibri )

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