The meeting.

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One day, in Miami, Michael Westen stood in his warehouse And awaiting his next assignment, he was having a normal afternoon eating his yogurt and just got off the phone with his wife Fiona. Over in London, Sherlock Holmes was in his apartment 221 Baker Street with his roommate John. He was also awaiting another murder case playing chess with John. Over in Maine, in the town of storybrooke and the enchanted forest, was Mr gold or know as Rumplestitskin, he was in his shop with his son Gideon doing inventory. Switch over all the way in Toronto Canada, Klause and his brothers and sisters were in their living room watching klause experiment with his brothers ( number 5) time travel parts, "your gonna get yourself killed or spoofed somewhere unknown klause" Luther said watching klause about to press a button on his time travel thingy. "Are you worrying about me because you care about me or you want me to do it so you can get rid of me?" Klause said looking for a certain response "we care about you klause" Diego said smiling "but please be careful" he said and backed away. " thanks guys I have no idea what this will do but here it goes! Me and Ben will press it together" as soon as he pressed the button, a loud bang and a flash of light came out and boom it was done but klause was not there. In the middle of his chess game, Sherlock our John into check mate "check mate again don't ask for a rematch we know you'll lose and it would be a waste of my thoughts and time" Sherlock said smirking and resetting the board. "Oh how I wish you would disappear" John said jokingly he looked up a few moments after saying that and Sherlock was gone!. In Miami, Michael Westen was lying down in his bed cleaning his pistol before  he went to bed, while cleaning it the gun went off, after it did, Michael had vanished. In Golds shop, he had just finished inventory and was heading to bed he set his cane on the table and was about to get dressed his cane slid off the table with a bang, and of course he had also vanished. They all appeared in the same year, of 2012 in the state of New York in a big open field way out of The city. They all landed with a crash, klause in his sisters Allison's pink crop top with jeans and a jacket, Gold was in his normal long tailed coat with his gold pin on his red tie with his gold and black cane, Sherlock was wearing something similar he was wearing his long suit jacket with his light blue polo shirt underneath, Michael was wearing no shirt, (because he was going to bed) and his jeans. They all groaned and sat up slowly, as they looked around they noticed each other all in the same spot, they hesitated, then shot up, Michael drew his pistol and pointed it at them Gold saw him draw his pistol so he conjured a fireball, klause saw the fireball and his eyes glowed white as he was about to use Bens powers, Sherlock saw his eyes glow white and drew his old fashioned pistol and his sword. They all were ready to fire but, they didn't know at who Michael  was the first one to speak "ok I have never seen magic or believe in it but here I am with my own eyes I have no idea what the heck happened so how about we put our weapons away and talk this out?!" Michael said as he holstered his pistol. "I'm not that good at trusting strangers of any of you make the wrong move you will all die" Gold said as he put away his fireball "no I wouldn't die due to the amount of people and the choice of weapons I would survive and all of you would of course die" Sherlock said putting away his weapons. "I like you Mr? " gold said before Sherlock introduced himself " Sherlock Sherlock Holmes, and you?" Sherlock said Reaching out his hand for a handshake " Mr Gold is my name" he said shaking his hand. "Since we are on the subject of names my name is klause" klause said his eyes turning to his original color. "I'm Michael Westen I'm a spy in Miami" michael said shaking all their hands. Klause told them what had happened " I didn't know what would happen, or it would take people with it" klause said as they were still standing there it was sunset and by this time it was almost completely dark and freezing. "Well we should probably get a place to stay?" Michael suggested I can get us there in no time gather around please" me Gold said as they walked towards him "hey Michael! Here take this" Sherlock said to Michael handing him his coat since he did not have a shirt "we're strangers but I don't want you to freeze to death" Sherlock said handing him the jacket "thanks Sherlock" Michael said shivering as they headed towards Gold, Gold poofed them to a hotel and they all rented a room. As they got into their room, they all were still confused about what had happened Gold had said that maybe that he had put together a wrong time traveling piece and that it took people from different states or city's. "Well it must have brought us here for a reason or it would have picked other people not with magic or extreme smarts or skills" Sherlock said pacing around the room with his hands in his normal praying position by his mouth. "yeah we all have some type of "special" use im a spy golds has magic klause has a super power and Sherlock just has smarts" michael said as he found a shirt in the closet and gave Sherlock his coat back. They didn't trust each other all the way but they knew they had to work together to find out what had happened. "So klause, how did you get your power, did you create it or were you born with it?" Gold asked klause as Michael went to shower and Sherlock was in the next room in bed. "I was born with it, I have brothers and sisters all from different mothers and fathers" klause said drinking rum. "How about you?" "I was destined to be the savior my mom cut my fate I became a coward and then gained my magical powers to become the dark one" gold said looking at klause " I have never seen someone with powers to use other people powers that are dead, and it's not like magic it's like a superpower" gold said as he stood up and laid down in his bed. "so far you and Sherlock are my 2 favorites Michael too, you remind me of my ex nemesis, but you are so much like me" Gold said as he turned off the lights and went to bed. The next morning they all went back to the field were they landed they had a hunch that something dangerous had to be there in order to bring them there to New York.  "Maybe ifs just coincidence that we were brought here?" Michael said kneeling down and examining were they had landed Sherlock shut all of there voices out and looked around the air, he saw the positions and were they all came from, "east, west, north and north again" he mumbled to himself he turned looked in the bushes and saw a masked figure with a gun pointing it at where the others were. "EVERYBODY DUCK!" Sherlock yelled and ducked down on the ground the rest of them ducked as Michael fired 1 shot in the direction of the masked figure hitting a tree next to the figure he took off in to woods Michael was mid sprint when klause said "don't go after him!" Michael heard him and stopped and looked back " is everyone alright?" Michael yelled panting walking back to them "yeah we're all fine" Gold said helping klause and Sherlock up. "How did you see him? Or even notice him? All I notice is the new shirts my sister buys so I can wear them" klause said stunned by Sherlock smartness "that explains your clothes attire" Michael said chuckling as he walked over to Sherlock and waited for a explanation. " I am a highly functioning sociopath I have a major advantage to slow down time as you might say it I noticed him out of the corner of my eye before he fired the bullet"  Sherlock explained as he looked at Michael "how did you fire a bullet that quickly without even looking or even stalling? No offense but your not as smart as me" Sherlock said smiling and waiting for a response " well I was a spy I got burned and spent the time doing jobs to find out who burned me I found my love learned a lot about both sides the spy and the person being spied on I finally found out, got my job back got a family and now I'm here i guess it's just a instinct I picked up" Michael said taking a breathe since he talked so fast. " well that's exciting we had a back round check now can we go find who just shot at us!?" Gold said sarcastically " well he was wearing a mask and had a long range sniper rifle and a pistol that's all I know" Sherlock said as he pointed toward the bushes where he spotted the shooter "how do you know it was a man?" Michael asked "well I could see the outline the posture.." " ok I'm sorry I asked" michael said turning to gold. "Well my speculation was right, something brought us here and for a reason" Gold said confused as the rest of them. "Well should we go track him down? Or stay here and look at our imprints in the grass?" Klause asked waiting for a answer "follow me I know how to track very well" michael said leading them into the woods. They followed a trial of hurried footsteps through the mud and flower beds, they followed them for a while until they came upon a piece of cloth from the mans shirt. "I'll use a locator spell and it will lead us right to him" Gold said as he put a locator spell on it and watched as it lead them down the path to a hut in the middle of the woods. "Well he's inside there so let's go get him" gold said about to throw a fireball "no no no no! Let me handle this Sherlock Follow me" Michael said as Sherlock followed him "now if he pulls a gun that's when you step in if it's a knife I got it ok?" " ok I got it" Sherlock said as he hid under a window sill. Michael knocked one the door, the man answered he was a tall young man with blonde hair and brown eyes he did not recognize michael from far away so he didn't suspect anything "hello my fellow traveler I was wondering if I could come in for a little i am terribly lost and I need some directions" Michael said in a New Jersey accent. "Why sure man anything for a fellow traveler!" He said as he let  Michael inside the door. "This is a great place man" Michael said as the man turned around to close the door, before he could turn back around, michael pulled his pistol out and pointed it at the guy "you the one who shot at me and my friends In the field why and who put you up to it?" Michael demanded "whoa hey let's talk about this ok?" The guy said waking around Michael and sitting down in a chair. " no you answer my questions" Michael said walking towards the chair. "Too bad" the guy said smirking and he tripped Michael and stood up quickly, Michael fell to the floor and dropped the gun, the guy kicked the gun away and stood Michael up and pushed him against the wall Michael punched the guy and tried to pin him down. The guy kicked Michael and grabbed a kitchen knife, Michael stood up and focused on the knife Michael tried to swipe it out of the guys hand the guy swiped first and grazed Michaels shoulder Michael didn't notice and kicked it out of the guys hand and pinned him down in the floor "Sherlock Gold klause get in here!" Michael yelled as he kept the guy pinned down "well well what have we here" Gold said tying him up with magic rope and helping Michael up " you ok there?"Gold asked "yeah I'm fine" michael said taking a napkin and applying it to the cut. "Let's find out who he is" klause said excitedly. "Yes let's" Gold said as he sat the guy in a chair and asked him questions. They guy explained his name was Chris and he worked for a company that traveled to the future, they dropped a piece of their software that could time travel and wanted to go back to get it and he thought they were there to destroy it because they have a company that wants to steal their software and use it to create a weapon of some sort. "That explains what happened so number 5 must've brought back that software and when I built the machine it bright is here!" Klause said pretty proud of himself that he figured it out by himself. "Well where can we find this rival company?" Gold asked Chris "we don't know, we only know about them by letter" Chris said scared of me Gold "look dude you got so aggressive with me so they have to be much more dangerous then what you say" Michael said coming over to him "look I used to be a spy I know what happens" he said giving him the look when Michael give you the look you know he's serious. "Fine, they want to travel to the future to take it over to control the past present and future they have atomic weapons and seriously trained special ops troopers"  Chris said trying to untie the ropes. "That won't work dearie it's magic not some cheap  ropes" gold said Michael spoke up "you have NO idea what your dealing with here Chris we are more then you think" Michael said putting duct tape over his mouth. "Well we should probably go you know ummm stop this company before they ruin our past present and future?" Klause suggested "and have it ruin our whole operation!? We have to have a plan!" Michael yelled "shut up everybody shut up! Don't move don't speak don't breathe!!" Sherlock shouted. The room went quiet, "we should probably find the location and who's in the whole operation" Michael suggested after a Moment of silence. "and how dangerous and what type of weapons and intel they have" Sherlock suggested "and then we can have a plan of action and what to do with that guy?" Gold said gesturing to Chris. "We will deal with him later for now we have to make a plan and figure out a way to do this"  Michael said opening the door "let's move" Sherlock said smiling and heading out the door with the rest of them.  "Well I just had a chat with blonde over there and they are located in the dirty and cleanest parts of New York city" Michael said at the spot they found in the woods to set up a place to stay.  " of course the cleanest part probably set up there to gloat and of course the dirtiest parts for control over that part of the city" Sherlock said to them. "I don't even wanna know how you know that" gold said "I do!" Klause spoke up."should we like you know even tell him anything i mean he's  the one who caused all this?" Michael said to Sherlock and gold "that's exactly the thing, he caused this that means that he can undo this" gold said in his iconic sassy way. "Fair point" Michael said nodding his head to the side. They found where their location is and conjured a plan to move in. "I'll take the left side with Klaus gold Sherlock you guys go together and take the right side" michael said pointing to the blue prints they had printed out and had hand drawn themselves. "I don't like taking orders from a stranger" Gold said gritting his teeth and flickering a little bit of fire "whoa I have a harpoon and I'm not afraid to use it" Sherlock said pointing at them both. "Ok ok ok i can use everyone's power who ever lived so Jokes  on you!" Klaus said "he's got a point" Michael said backing away "don't try anything funny" Gold said. They got back to the plans and poofing themselves right at the front gate.  Michael went with klause to the left side while the others went to the right, their plan was to find a way to get back home in the right time zone. Michael was very nervous, he had done so many missions like this and so many things happened, his Younger brother died, his mom died, and he almost lost his best friends. He didn't want to lose anyone else his words came flowing back into his what from when his friend Sam almost died "it's a lot harder to concentrate out of the field then in the field, you have so much in your mind you can't think clearly" that's exactly what he needed to do think clearly suddenly Sherlock said "if your remembering your past and what happened back then, forget it, that was in the last you need to let go and focus on the present!" Klause  said telling him about the times he had to sacrifice everything he ever had., like how Michael had to do to protect Sam and Fiona. Suddenly they saw the signal sent from gold "time to move" Michael said as they both went guns drawn to the side of the door gold and Sherlock met on the other side "out of curiosity how and why are we doing this?" Sherlock asked gold " so we can get back home" Gold said as  drew a fireball and waited for klaus's signal. Klause made the signal and they all moved in on the side doors they had, they kicked the doors open to find a empty little warehouse, with a note that read "it don't be that easy to find us and stop us from our master plan" it was signed by "nobody" Gold threw the fireball and burned the note "we could have tracked that" Sherlock sighed As he paced around the room. "Ok so what now? We can't track the note, the guy Chris probably didn't stay where he was" klause said irritated now that everything has gone wrong." We should go see if he's still there he knows how they act and how the operate" Michael said walking out the door with the rest of them, suddenly it dawned on Gold "what if HE was on the team that wants to take over the future and he contacted them!" Gold exclaimed stopping them from walking out the door "you know Gold good be right I say we go and question him and we should go fast" klause said after gold had said his piece. "And we shouldn't use magic! If they have their whatever technology they have there they could spot it and we would be blown I suggest we run" Michael said to them all. They all agreed with each other so they ran as fast as they could all the way to the little hut Chris had gold didn't waste anytime knocking down the door and coming inside no one was there.  "Dang it! I hate when people get away!" Gold shouted "sshhh he might not be gone" michael said pulling his gun and circling around the room. Chris suddenly jumped down from the room on top of Sherlock pinning him down, as soon as that happned  klause went into one of his visions seeing the dead and the dead calling his name meanwhile gold and Michael were calling his name "klaus! Klaus!" Gold shouted as they fought off Chris klause snapped out of it and a tentacle shot out from him and knocked Chris out the door. "Bloody heck" gold mumbled as he saw klauses power for the first time.  The tentacle retracted from the air back into klaus he gasped as he was shocked at what had just happened. "I was wrong about you klaus I owe you one" Michael said patting his back "yeah I guess you do" Klaus said laughing as they asked Chris questions about the rival company that was trying to destroy the future.  "So what it I'm apart of them I lied so what?" Chris said  smirking "well if you haven't noticed I can see ghosts and become a squid that died so ha jokes on you!"  Klaus said gold approached him and said "we will get some real answers here" Gold said holding a fireball in his hand putting it close to his face. "Mhmh I can do this better then all of you so let me handle this. Obviously you aren't that smart your facial expressions your body language the old scars and bruises on you face probably from lying and your poor excuse for a smart man. Now prove me wrong which of course you will never do give me answers about this whole thing" Sherlock said ending it with his sassy smirk. Chris was shocked at this he was even more shocked when gold walked over and suddenly said "obviously he won't get anywhere with his poor excuse for being "smart" just to let you know I can rip out hearts crush them emotionally and physically, keep that in your mind"  gold said giving Sherlock the side glance. Now it was Michaels turn to try and stop this mutiny "ok let's just clam down" he said trying to push gold away from Chris and Sherlock ever so gently.  Unexpectedly gold suddenly reached over and pulled Michaels  heart out he fell to the floor and gasped "how about a little demonstration first? Just to let you know how serious I am"   Gold said squeezing it a little bit  "no no no no no no no! We are NOT killing him I'm all for a little mutiny but NO WAY are we killing anyone especially him I like him!"  Sherlock interrupted gold. Michael was still on the floor he groaned as gold stopped. "You got lucky" gold said roughly putting the heart back in Michael "that's what giving mercy looks like!?" Klause said as Sherlock  helped michael up. "Bloody heck are you ok!?" Sherlock whispered to Michael "I don't know" Michael responded sitting in a chair.  Soon there was going to be a rivalry between them and Gold. Chris spilled everything the company's location and who are there. Michael was still shocked at was just happened and so was Sherlock his world was based on knowledge and non fiction things this was so fiction and fairytales. Sherlock turned his big brother mode on he was now so protective over Michael now. Gold realized what he did but nothing comes between him success. Klause didn't know what to do, he made sure Michael was ok but he also didn't want bad  blood with gold. So he hovered around The corner for a little. Gold interrogated Chris about the company while Sherlock held a heaving Michael, klause began hearing voices and slowly faded out of the room into a dark room with all the ghosts he had seen he then heard bens voice telling him to breathe and to be calm klaus was silently screaming he had learned to control his screaming. "Klaus klaus I'm here breathe come on klaus breathe!" Ben yelled suddenly klaus awoke  breathing silently heavy, he saw Ben next to him with his hand on his shoulder. Sherlock was still holding Michael as he was still shocked. Klaus then took his flask and drank it all he did not want to see them anymore. Sherlock noticed he looked off but he decided to not approach he saw what gold could do Michael's breathing had slowed down he was still shocked. "Come on lets go get some fresh air" Sherlock said to Michael as they went out the back door, Michael inhaled the fresh air and felt so much better, he sat in the ground with Sherlock, "I really appreciate it, I didn't know I had someone to rely on, I really thought I was dead in there" michael spoke up to Sherlock as he said down next to him. "I really didn't think I could be this caring" Sherlock responded smiling "are you sure your ok?" He asked one more time. Michael nodded as klaus came out to join them. "Hey guys, about what happened in there I don't know what got into him" klaus said sitting next to Sherlock, "he should apologize himself" Sherlock responded to klaus "no need I just got the EXACT location of the company's bases and everything else your welcome" gold said walking up to them Sherlock helped michael up. "So you expect us to just warm back up to you and be all buddy buddy again!?" Michael asked standing up and looking at gold. "No I don't expect you to do anything if you can't handle a heart being ripped out, your useless" gold said looking back at him. Sherlock held michael back from going to attack gold, "ok I don't know what to do but I am going to hover in the corner now and wait for our next move"  klaus said going into the house and sitting in the corner. "You did ok, I wish I could help you klaus" Ben said as he sat in the chair "thanks dude" klaus said smiling as he drifted of to sleep. Awhile after that they all went to find the hidden base, they weren't going to use magic to get there because apparently the base has magic censors to sense any magic coming their way. "So whats the plan when we get there?" Klaus spoke up as they trudged up a hill. "The plan is When we get their we take some hostages and "convince" them not to take over the future and then they will get us back home" gold said as he kept on looking straight on ahead. "If you plan on killing them I cant let you do that, unless they try to kill us first we ARE NOT killing anyone I have done that mistake  and had to flee the country and then pretend I was dead" Michael said as he stopped in his tracks and waited for gold to respond. "Look I have my way you have your way so we will see what happens when we get there." Gold said as he turned around to speak to Michael.  "I have to agree with Michael gold, I assume Sherlock agrees to, we can't kill anyone else or even start to" klaus said as he mumbled to himself "it will just be more for me to see" gold finally gave in and later on they arrived at the base. "We should approach the North west entrance by the looks of the pathway no one comes in or comes out that way" Sherlock said as they were hidden behind a crate outside of the North West entrance.  "Good point detective you and Michael shall go in the roof me and klaus shall go in the entrance." Gold said as he and klaus took off towards the door. "Well I guess we should get a move on it." Michael said as him and Sherlock went off and climbed the wall tog we on top of the roof, Michael used some of his tools he had and cut a hole in the roof, as he did that they both dropped down as silently as they could and went off towards the right side of the building from the inside. "Now what do we do when we see them?" Sherlock asked as they rounded the corner and saw a door. "I don't know, we would probably round them all up in a room and ask them questions." Michael said as they both went to opposite sides of the door. "Fair point" Sherlock said as they both pulled their pistols and went into the door as they suspected there were people there, "ok everybody put your hands up and move towards the corner of the room!" Michael shouted as they rounded them up to the corner of the room.  "Ok who wants to tell us how to stop you guys from ruining the future and getting us back home?." Sherlock asked pointing his gun to the crowd.  " we are loyal to our leader we will never tell" one of the men said "then take me to your leader." Michael said smirking as he waited for a answer. "Fine, I will take you but don't say I didn't try and stop you" the guy said smirking as he lead them down the long hallway and into a room with a chair back facing them. "Good luck" the guy said as he left Michael and Sherlock there Sherlock cocked his gun and said "show yourself" as soon as he said that, the chair swiveled around to show a slightly older man in his 40s mid 30s with a big shock gun in his hand "hello there" he said with a smirk knowing the reference he made. He fired it and shot Michael with the shock gun, he went flying into the wall. Sherlock flew after him and helped him up "watch out!" Michele yelled as Sherlock looked back at the guy he ducked the shock wave just in time. "sit down and I'll explain who I am, I am a man who watched all the Star Wars  movie's and every si-fi movie there ever was, I believed that they all existed and NO ONE believed me, no one so I don't wanna go into the complicated things so i found out a way to time travel and then you guys showed up with the missing piece and vuala here we are!" The guy explained he didn't tell them his name but he said If they don't hand over the piece they would take over the future. "Well without the piece you can't do that so yeah" Michael said as the guy sat back down on his chair. "And without the piece you guys can't get home and without one of MY pieces" the guy said chuckling Sherlock saw out of the corner of his eye gold and klaus about to break the window to free them. "Well I think it's time to go don't you Think?" Sherlock asked Michael, Michael soon picked up the act and saw them too "yeah I guess we should head out now soon and come get the piece later" Michael said standing up while the guy said "whoa who said you can leave!." "They did" Sherlock did smirking as gold broke the window with his magic klaus and gold jumped in and blasted the guy out of the way. "Let's go let's go!" Michael shouted "wait! The piece! We don't know what other type of piece we need!" Klaus shouted after them. "We'll get it later come on!" Gold shouted back, klaus took his hand and jumped out the window, Sherlock didn't leave without a souvenir, he dragged the guy with them!. As they reached the field where they started out, they all stopped running and stood there panting, no one had noticed Sherlocks little friend he brought along.  They finally noticed  him and klaus suddenly groaned. "Great now the piece burned up in the building and he wasn't there to take it!" Klaus said as he sat on the ground with his hands in his face. "Not quite he didn't have it in the building he probably has it in his personal quarters or somewhere that's not in the way of danger" Sherlock responded as Gold and Michael finally got caught up on what juts happened and who Sherlock had brought  with them.  "Great let's just get him to tell us where it is and then we can go home, it's that easy!" Gold said as he started to walk up to the guy. "Whoa no no no no! You saw what happened last time!" Michael said pushing gold back. "You saw what happens last time you tired to stop me, you just got lucky next time you might not be" gold said pushing Michaels arm off him and waking in the opposite direction. "Well we still have a major problem we have to get him to talk which he probably won't, and we need to find the piece and get it to take us home" Sherlock said as they all sat dine in the grass with the guy tied up and a little farther away. "Ok ok how about gold just uses his nice little locator spell on him and then he will take us to his Base? That's sound so nice Instead of ripping people's hearts out" klaus spoke up as he stood up and paced back and forth. "Thats sounds like a good plan despite the slam" gold said as he too stood up and walked over to the guy, Michael hesitated to go over and go with him but he looked at Sherlock and Sherlock nodded at him telling him not to. Klaus looked behind him and saw Ben, Ben winked at him for his wonderful plan, klaus smiled back and blew him a kiss and whispered "thanks mi amor" klaus said as Ben walked up beside him and put his hand on his shoulder "you have Ben going there haven't you?" Ben asked as klaus whimpered as Ben mentioned it, Ben took that as a yes and stood by him while gold walked back to them with the guy in tow. "Ok the spell is done he shall take us to the piece" Gold said as he pushed the guy in front of him."let's go Home"  Sherlock said as they followed the unwilling guy towards where ever the piece was.  They followed him to a very protected cottage  with armed guards, the guards pointed their guns at them but before they could fire they noticed the person they were protecting was being held hostage by the intruders. "You shoot and he dies!" Michael yelled as he pointed the gun at the guys head. "Hold your fire!" One of the guards yelled as the other guards hesitantly lowered their weapons "now let us inside" Sherlock yelled as they walked up to the main gate, the guards let them in carefully watching their owner. Out of nowhere the guy yelled "fire!" The guards shot  one shot hitting Michael in the arm. "Aah!" Michael exclaimed as they hid behind a crate right by the front door into the building. Gold pushed them all back with magic as Sherlock looked at Michael. "We have to get inside!" Sherlock yelled to Gold as he pushed the guards away. "Come on let's go!" Klaus yelled as he helped Sherlock bring  Michael inside as Gold followed close behind. When they got Inside, they quickly locked the door and sat the guy down in his office chair. "Where is it?! Where is the bloody piece?!" Sherlock yelled at the guy the guy was intimidated as he told them where it was Sherlock slapped him on the face and walked away. "Is he ok?" Gold asked as klaus went  over to Michael. "I'm fine" Michael groaned as Klaus came over to him, klaus nodded his head no back to Gold. "I found it!"Sherlock exclaimed as he bright over a grey and neon blue metal piece with a lot of wires hanging out of it. "great, we need to build the rest of it to get back home" klaus said as Sherlock have him the piece and Sherlock walked over to Michele to tend to him. "Tell is how to build the machine" gold said walking over to to guy and getting close to his face. "How about no? I don't need to tell you I don't care if I don't make it you have a wounded friend and my guards outside ready to shoot if you take him to the hospital" the guy said laughing as gold hit him in the face and walked away. "He is right, we need to get him help, the bullets they use are anti magic, he needs help" Sherlock  said as he stood up and looked out the window. Klaus stood up quietly and unlocked the door slowly, "klaus.... what are you doing?" Michael asked slowly, "I can keep them busy as you guys take michael out the side and take him to the hospital" klaus said looking back at them. "And where will we meet you?" Gold said tearing up. Klaus smiled a little "in hell" as soon as he said that, he opened the door and hid behind the crate. "KLAUS NOOOOO!!"michael yelled as he tried to run outside, Sherlock and Gold held him down crying silently.  "Ok i can do this,it would be good to be with Dave and Ben again" klaus said as he took a deep breathe and stood in front of  the guards he spread his arms out and closed his eyes. The guards shot, and he found himself in a black room with Ben    And Dave standing there. "Mi amor, Dave" klaus said coming over and kissing Dave and hugging Ben, they looked at each other and said "well you will have to say good bye klaus" Ben said smiling slightly. "Wait what!?" Klaus said his face turning to fear. "But I'm ready I've accepted my fate!" Klaus yelled as Ben reached out and held him in a long and tight hug. "You aren't ready, you have so much to do, you have done so much and you have earned to stay up there" Dave said as he looked at klaus "but but I can't handle seeing them!" Klaus whimpered as he let go of Ben and backed up to see both of them. "Time to go klaus" Ben said holding his hands to bring him back. "No I can't I CANT GO BACK I CANT GO BACK!" Klaus yelled as he awoke with a gasp and looked around the guards were laying on the ground it  was bens doing. He stood up and went to go try and find the others, he walked in the door and he was surprised to find Sherlock sitting down with his hands in his praying position, and gold sitting next to Michael all of them were silent. "Looks like I was rejected once more from heaven and hell" klaus said smiling as he walked in Sherlock sit up and so did gold and michael. "Welcome back" michael said about to cry again hey all hugged each other and sat down to think. They were still shocked at what had happened,Michael was still bleeding, the guy wouldn't tell them how to get back home, a sacrifice was made, they were all stressed and so confused.  "so what's the plan?" Gold asked as he looked up slowly at Michael and klaus. "Well, we could try to go through the roof, and then use the sniper rifles on them." Michael suggested as he looked out the window and saw that That the guards backup came, klaus looked out the window and saw the one and only, commissioner, the same lady that caused the whole problem in the umbrella academy, who kept number 5 in the future, and caused everything. "Dang it!" Klaus exclaimed as Ben backed up from the window rubbing his forehead. "I assume that's the women who caused your whole life problem?" Sherlock asked as he looked out the window. Klaus looked out the window and glared the Commissioner looked in the window and almost fell back as klaus held up his hand that said "hello" and then the one "goodbye" and closed the curtain.  "Well Michaels idea seems pretty good, we should give it a shot" gold said trying to use his magic, "they laced this building with anti magic, I can't use it." Gold said as he put his hand down from trying to use a fireball. "Ok I'll cut open the hole in the roof, klaus hand me the tool, Gold, Sherlock be on the lookout" Michael said as he stood up on a chair and grunted as he held a laser weld and melted a hole in the the roof big enough for all of them. When he was done,z he climbed the roof and helped everyone up. "So now whats the plan?" Klaus whispered as he went in and out of a trance, Ben looked concerned but also supportive of him. "Well, Sherlock is good with a sniper rifle, I'm good on the ground, let's figure out a plan." Michael said Smirking as they all huddled together for a plan. Michael decided to melt a hole in the roof with a laser weld, they all fit through and all came up onto the roof. "Sherlock it's your turn" Michael said handing him the sniper rifle as the rest made a plan to get away and figure out how to get home. Sherlock managed to distract them long enough so that Gold and Michael and klaus and Sherlock, could all escape down the back, as they had a big distraction in the front, Michael threw a grenade down at the front, they also lowered the guy down with it. "Ok let's move!." Michael said as they heard the guards run to the front,  they each climbed down the side and ran into the trees, they ran and ran until they were really far away. They stopped and sat on the ground panting, they have never run that far or fast before. Michael applied a new napkin to his wound, he still needed a hospital. "well now what's the plan? We can't go anywhere public  because the commissioner has people everywhere!" Klaus said as he caught his breathe and waited for a response. "Well, I say we try to figure out how to build this machine, dodge the commissioners men, and go home" michael said as he stood up. "Well that's a good point, but how will we know how to work it?" Gold asked irritated about this. "I can examine the wires, find out what  they belong to, and then find out where the thing the wires belong to and go home"  Sherlock said as he took the piece out of his pocket and walked over to a rock to examine it, Michael came  along as well. Gold and klaus discussed how they would get home, which state, country and time zone first. "You know I'll really miss you guys, and the adventure we had" klaus said as he looked at Gold. "Yeah I guess you will" Gold said not returning the compliment. Now this got klaus angry he knew Gold was cold hearted but not this cold, he was enraged at Gold, first it was Michales heart, arguing and now this, he had enough. Klaus summoned Ben and launched a tentacle at Gold throwing him across the field, "klaus what the heck are you doing!?" Michael yelled about to run after them, Sherlock held him back as he was injured enough. Gold retaliated and threw a magic ball at klaus sending him flying across the field, klaus grunted as he got up and yelled "I am sick and tired of you being so cold hearted! Not even returning a compliment! And you ripped out Michaels heart!" Klaus said as he blocked the magic ball that Gold had  launched at him. "So what!? You the one who risked your life for me! You knew I was cold hearted!" Gold said as he blocked a tentacle from Bens body. "That's the point! I DIED for you! For michael and Sherlock! You should have at least built a little bit of of trust for us!" Klaus yelled back almost tearing up. "I have sacrificed everything for this mission! At least the others are thankful! Unlike some people!" Klaus yelled as he knocked Gold really far back. Klaus sat on the ground for a while. Michael walked over to make sure he was ok, klaus walked back with him to work on the piece.  Gold was standing out farther away from the others, he still had no trust for them, but he did indeed like klaus. "So they wires came from a half built time machine with atomic parts." Sherlock said after a while of examination. "Where would we get our hands on atomic parts?" Michael said as he breathed in and out. Suddenly Gold walked up to them and said "I know where we can get Michael help, my son Neal lives in New York and his apartment isn't that faraway." Gold said as he started walking in that direction "come on Klaus help me." Sherlock said helping Michael stand and walk towards Gold. They arrived at the apartment and Gold rang the buzzer. No other then Neal Cassidy opened the gate. "Papa? What are you doing!?" Neal said being cut off my Gold "no time to explain my son, we need your help" Gold said as he gestured towards Michael. They brought him up to Neals room and placed him on the bed. "How long ago was this?" Neal asked "about a hour or two." Sherlock said after they had introduced themselves and explained what had happened. "Ok i will try to take the bullet out, you guys can go into the other room." Neal said as he got ready to operate. They all walked out into the kitchen from the living room. They all waited about a half hour, finally Neal walked out and told them he was finished. Michael was still lying down on the table in the living room, he was awake but still sore. "Hey guys" Michael said as he looked at them sitting up. "Hey Michael" Sherlock said as he walked up to the couch he was on. "I'm really sorry about this and what my dad has done he was so good when I was with him, and he's been with Gideon and I don't know how he has been" Neal said as he sat down with a sigh. "Maybe it will get better" klaus said as he sat down next to the table Michael was laying down on. " he'll need to rest his arm a little" Neal said as Michael chuckled "I've been through this before, last time I didn't take that advice this time i will" Michael said looking at Neal, they all looked toward the doorway as Gold walked in "how is he son?" Gold asked as he walked a little more in the door. "He's doing ok papa he needs to rest."  Neal said as he stood up to walk over to Gold."hey what's going on papa? You ripped his heart out" Neal said as he pulled him aside to ask him questions. " I-I- don't know bae, I had to do what I had to do." Gold said as he looked in the room where the others were "papa... do you regret it?" Neal said quietly. There was a pause and Gold did not answer, "I take that as a yes" Neal said walking past him and going into the other room. "Well know what's the plan," Michael asked as he readjusted himself on the table. "You guys could stay here for the night, I have sleeping bags." Neal said smirking motioning for Sherlock to come help him in the closet. "You know, this adventure has been my fault, if I hadn't tried to be so childish and adventurous we wouldn't be here you wouldn't have been shot none of this would have happened" Klaus said leaning on the side of his chair. "Your wrong, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have met Sherlock, and we wouldn't have had this much fun, let me tell you something, when I went on my last adventure with my wife, we didn't contact our friends or anything. They had a funeral for us even though we were alive, they wanted to honor us and we never ever said thank you, it took us a while to go back and see them, but we did. And after this adventure, I will never be nervous again" Michael said smiling at klaus. "Geez, thanks Michael" klaus said almost in tears. "Hey! The commissioners outside, their trying to break in!" Gold yelled coming in the doorway. "Everyone in this secret passage it leads the a basement I had built in Someone help Michael!" Neal said as he hid them down in the passage and closed the door. They could hear Neal talking to the lady and telling her that hey had left after seeking shelter and him declining the lady accepted this and went off in the direction he pointed them In. "Come in guys it's all clear!" Neal exclaimed helping everybody out. As soon he helped them all out, the door burst open "do you really think I'm that stupid?" The commissioner said in the doorway. "Everybody get cover!" Gold shouted as they all hid behind something, Sherlock fired his pistol almost hitting the commissioner. "We need a plan!" Sherlock shouted as he hid with Michael behind a clothing stand, "let me handle this!" Gold yelled as he poofed them away into the field where it all started. "Aah" Michael groaned as he sat up and looked around it was turned into slow motion as he remembered how he first saw them, he looked around and saw them all standing up everything turned back to normal speed as he heard klaus calling his name "you alright?" Klaus said as he helped him stand up "yeah I'm alright just a little bleeding" Michael said as he looked around "now what?" Sherlock asked as he helped Gold stand up. "Well we know what parts we need, we just need one more  thing, we  need to want to leave" none of them wanted to  leave, they all  wanted to stay, this all gave them the adrenaline rush they were all missing , their whole lives were so much action and so much rush and now they would have to leave it behind again.  They all looked at each other and said "let's just go get the parts first" klaus said as he walked off towards Gold. Sherlock looked at Michael who was looking at Sherlock, "let's go help him find them" Michael said as they all walked to where klaus was headed, it was night by the time the reached the far woods, it was cold and around 9:45 at night, they started the journey at 7:30, Michaels arm was still bleeding from not resting, they were all stressed over them having to leave all this rush behind, and it was starting to rain, they all stopped to rest under a little abandoned carnival stand with holes in the roof, "he needs more gauze" Klaus said looking at Sherlock after he has looked at Michaels arm. "We need food, and water and sleep" Gold said irritated that they were so stuck in this situation, they all realized that their family wasn't missing them, for some reason back home, time stayed the same until they returned, which made it all seem like they could stay with each other forever.  "Well how about we sleep here tonight and then continue tomorrow morning?" Michael said turning his head towards Gold. "I agree" Gold said. As soon as he said that they all chose a spot on the ground and tried to fall asleep. The next morning, they all awoke coughing and soaked, Michael was the first to awake spitting out water, then klaus, Sherlock, then Gold. Then they all went on looking for the shed with all the parts  they walked for a half hour until klaus and Michael suddenly passed out on the walk, as klaus hit the ground, he went into a trance, he was so stressed he passed out, he went back to where it all started, to where they had to go back in time to stop the apocalypse, and everything after, Michael collapsed from again the stress, he knew how everyone felt, and he felt that if he hadn't spoke and made friends with them they would not be in this situation, they both awoke to Sherlock being the only one there with them" Gold went ahead he didn't want anything slowing him down" Sherlock said as they awoke. "Let's get moving" Michael said as he helped klaus stand up and they caught up with Gold.  "well well it looks like you guys stopped being lazy and finally tried to be successful" Gold said as he walked up to Michael, Michael had enough and punched Gold right it the face dead center. "Thats what you get for being a ungrateful and superior word I can't say!" Michael shouted "I took a bullet working for you!" He shouted again  and he walked ahead with Sherlock and klaus close behind. Gold was enraged and pushed them with his magic against a tree, "Gold what are you doing?!" Klaus said as he struggled to get hooked from the magic vines. "I will settle this now" gold exclaimed as he reached and ripped Michaels heart out and immediately started squeezing. Michael was almost dead and then, Sherlock got lose and grabbed the anti magic gun and shot Gold in the leg with it causing him to fall dropping the heart on the ground causing michael to pass out. Gold fell and grunted holding his leg, klaus got free and immediately went to pick up Michaels heart. "I don't wanna do this Gold, but you left me no choice" Sherlock said as he pulled out a magic bean "I snagged it from the guys office, looks like you going home Gold" Sherlock said as he threw it in the ground after Klaus picked up Michael and moved out of the way. "You'll pay  for this all of you!" Gold yelled as he fell through the portal and disappeared. "Michael michael!" Sherlock yelled as he knelt down to Michael and slapped his face he finally awoke and they explained everything and that he was gone."I- I don't know what to say" michael said shocked at the decision Sherlock had made."well we should get a move on" klaus said as he helped Sherlock and Michael up. They all carried on  their journey, they finally found the shed, they all went in and stared looking for the parts they needed as soon  as they g them they set them done ona table so they can build it. As soon as they did Gold appear d out of now where, "do you really think I would disappear that easily!? I thought about where I wanted to go I wanted to go here to the shed and I had to wait for you guys to find the parts and let me take them thanks for letting me borrow them " he said smirking as he took the parts and poofed away ina puff of purple smoke. "That little-" klaus said as he was interrupted by Sherlock saying "let's name call him later and go get out way home back!" Sherlock said as he ran out he door with Michael close behind."why why is this so hard?" Klaus exclaimed as he ran out the door with the rest of them. They couldn't find Gold anywhere, but they did find his cane from  where he dropped it.  "Darn it!" Michael yelled as he sat down and out his head on his hand, Sherlock walked over to him and said "we will find him, we have to back to Neals he probably has some magic there that can help us" Sherlock said putting his arm around Michael, klaus was pacing back and forth with Ben trying to comfort him. "It's all my fault, if I wouldn't have been so curious if only I had been rational" klaus was whimpering to himself as he paced back and forth "it's not your fault we agreed to come along and it's our fault more then anything" Michael said as he took his head of out his hand and leaned back. "Let's go make our way back to Neals house." Sherlock said as they all wandered off to Neals house, after 45 minutes they arrived at his front door they knocked on the door and Neal answered the door a little bit surprised to see them again "no time to explain we need your help" klaus said as they walked passed him into his apartment. They all explained what had happened, Michael fell asleep on the couch, while Sherlock and Klaus and Neal discusses what and how they would find Gold. Neal said he had a locator spell that Gold had left if if he ever needed to find him, now would be the best time to use it. They woke Michael up and used the spell on his cane, they then stated to follow the cane to where Gold was located. It finally dropped a couple feet away from where they could see Gold standing trying to figure out how to put the pieces together. "Times up Gold!" Sherlock yelled as he got Golds attention. "Come on papa!" Neal shouted as they continued to walk forward , Gold turned around looked shocked to see his son there "after what they did to me!? Your going to be on their side!? That's not like you bae!" Gold shouted as he pointed to Neal. "This ain't like you! They did it because you were killing him!" Neal shouted as he pointed at him tearing up. "The commissioner said if I can do this! Without them and maybe taking some of them out, me and you could go back! And we could all be together!" Gold shouted back as he threw up a fireball into the sky, "uhh guys!" Sherlock shouted looking behind him. The commissioner was riding up the road with her men by her side. "Guys we gotta go!" Michael yelled as he started to sprint away with klaus right behind him, suddenly, 2 guards came out of nowhere and tackled them bonding their hands and with handcuffs. "Why Gold?! Why!?" Sherlock yelled as he pulled Neal towards the others trying to help them out of it. "Stand back boys!" The commissioner yelled pointing a gun at them, "they're coming with us" she said laughing as they guards dragged them away. "PAPA!!!" Neal yelled looking back at him them at Michael and Klaus. Gold just looked on poofing him and Neal back to Neal's house. Sherlock looked so confused as he hid In the woods following where the commissioner was taking them. When they arrived at the base, they placed klaus and Michael in the same room bound together. "You know what do you want from us? If it's information I'm not giving it you remember Cha-Cha and Hazel? They couldn't get it out of me anyway" Klaus said as the commissioner walked back and forth. "Well thanks to your little interruption I didn't get the piece to be built, now his son will stop him from building it and I won't get what I want!" The commissioner yelled as she threw her purse across the room. "Take it easy there, at the rate Gold is going he probably will build it" Michael said as he tried to untie his arm. The commissioner then FaceTimed Gold and said on the phone "if you don't build that piece your sons friends shall die!" She said into the phone so calmly as she pointed the phone at Michael and Klaus they jerked trying to escape. "No he will never do that!" Neal shouted into the phone. "Well he almost killed him, why would he have a problem with me doing it?" The commissioner said smiling into the phone and hung up. Klaus decided this was the time, he then used Bens powers to break the ropes after the lady left. "Nice job klaus!" Michael groaned as he sat up from the explosion klaus caused. "Thanks, you ok?" Klaus asked as he helped Michael up. "Yeah, let get moving" Michael said as he tried to open the door, he was shocked as when he tried to open the door it dawned on him "they locked it from the outside and sealed it with anti magic." Michael said as he kicked the door in frustration. "How about we go out the window?" Klaus suggested "it we wait for the commissioner to come back in and then surprise attack her?" Michael then suggested his eyes lighting up. They got into position and waited for the right time. Meanwhile, Sherlock was watching the window, Klaus saw him outside and made a sign that they were alright, he was just waiting for their signal. Meanwhile with Gold and Neal, Neal was taking to Gold. "Really papa? You could have just ASKED ME if I wanted to go, and it doesn't matter if they weren't agreeing with you! That gives you NO RIGHT to try and kill him! What were you thinking?" Neal exclaimed as he sat down in a chair. "I-I wasn't! I was so aggravated over the while thing I resorted back to my old ways" Gold said sighing and sitting back down. "Yeah let's go meet up with Sherlock, he texted me he knows where they are." Neal said as he walked out the door with Gold. They arrived to where Sherlock was and he filled them in. "So we are waiting on them to knock out the head lady and then jump out the window?" Gold said as he looked at sherlock and Neal. "Yeah... that's the plan" Sherlock said as he looked at the window and saw their signal. They all snuck under the window with the big blanket they had brought. When the commissioner opened the door, Klaus punched her right in the face knocking her unconscious. They then jumped out the window after they saw Sherlock and the others with the big blanket. They stood up and laughed hugging them all even Gold. "So who's ready to go home?" Gold asked awkwardly as he stood there looking at the sky. "Well, we have to make sure the company never does  this again, so we should stay here for a while and find a way to get rid of them"  klaus said as as he walked up to Gold and patted him on the back. Michael kept his distance and nodded his head at him. They all went back to Neals apartment and all slept for a while. Michael and the rest were all still skeptical of Gold even after he corporated to help save them. Michael was still pretty paranoid after Gold tried to kill him, again. But he didn't want to show it in front of Gold fearing that he would take his fear and turn it into a weapon and crush  his heart once and for all. "Hey Michael, I have to say I am really sorry for what I did to you" Gold said loudly as Neal walked by, as soon as he passed Gold added on "but this isn't over" he whispered as he walked passed Michael patting his back. They all knew the commissioner would be a little bit mad about them escaping and her broken nose,  she sent out SO many search teams and so many special ops to try and find the piece so they can take over the future. Sherlock and Gold were almost done making the machine so they could all go home.  They also were trying to find a way to stop them from ever trying to do this again. So they all sat down one night and discussed their plan of action. "Well, we could try and wipe them out for good, and then we could go home" Klaus said as he laid down on the bed with his hands behind his head.  "That is the plan we just need a way to initiate the plan!" Michael said as he sat down in a chair. "We need a plan for our plan" Sherlock said chuckling a little sitting next to Michael.  "Well we could send them away somewhere where they can't cause trouble?" Klaus said as he put his hands over his face. "That's true we could do that, we could lure them in to a trap and then send them somewhere where they can't cause trouble!" Michael said as he stood up excitedly. "We could also send them to the enchanted forest where they will be put to a good purpose!" Gold said piping up as he looked at all of them. They all decided that Golds plan was probably the best so the next morning, they all set out and led the commissioner into a cork cow of trees and there Gold used his magic to entrap her and her whole team and used another magic bean to send her off to the Enchanted forest. "Well, I guess this is goodbye" Sherlock was the first to say as they all stood at the same spot they had arrived in. "We will see each other again, this isn't the last goodbye we will say" Gold said as he shook Sherloks hand. "Goodbye, for now" klaus said as he smiled and held Michaels hand they all held hands and  all zapped back to their own time periods and countries. Michael laid in bed thinking how to tell Fiona, Gold told Gideon, klaus told his brothers and Sherlock told John. It was a happy ending... for now😉

The 4 Unusuals حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن