Sexual Tensions

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You're sitting or standing

Whatever suits you best

And now you're being crippled

From within as he/she nears you

Only to be beside you, close

But not too close to touch you

Your poor unsuspecting emotions

Are suffering from a high blow

By a electrified, body tingling bat

You're losing control rapidly

Losing control of your own body

Dormant feelings have been

Awakened by a eruption of

Overflowing, sizzling tensions

Calm the fuck down, you silently

Tell your hormones, all while

Struggling in between breaths

They have become raging monsters

Yet they heed to you,their master

Only for a short span of time though

For they have swiftly conquered

In abrupt stupendous empires

You could feed them with

Soft side glances or what's better

Cage them, they need discipline

But that takes time, focus & practice

Something you seem to be

Drastically losing the grip for

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